HomeFace, Mouth and Throat Pain Information Center

Face, Mouth and Throat Pain Information Center

What Causes Cavity Pain and How to Stop It?

What Causes Cavity Pain? Cavity pain due to a cavity (or multiple cavities) is caused as a result of failure to clean teeth properly, perpetual...

What Causes Laryngospasm or Laryngeal Spasm & How is it Treated?

What is Laryngospasm or Laryngeal Spasm? Laryngospasm or Laryngeal Spasm can be a terrifying experience for a person who experiences it. In Laryngospasm or Laryngeal...

Sore Palate or Sores on Roof of Mouth: Causes & Home Remedies

What is Sore Palate or Sores on Roof of Mouth? Palate or the taste buds is one of the most important part of the mouth...

Anosmia : What Causes Loss of Smell & What is its Treatment?

What is Anosmia or Loss of Smell? Anosmia or losing the ability to smell is quite a common problem which an individual has at one...

What Causes You to Lose Your Sense of Taste?

People often lose their sense of taste, which then has a negative effect on one's health. While this condition may not always be a...

What Causes Metallic Taste in Mouth & How to Get Rid of it?

At first, you may be alarmed when you taste a metallic flavor which proceeds to spoil the taste in your mouth. While metallic taste...

How to Get Rid of Pus Pocket on Gums?

What is a Pus Pocket on Gums? Pus pocket on the gums, commonly known as gum abscess and medically known as periodontal abscess, is a...

What Causes Wrinkled Lips and Effective Remedies to Treat it

Hiding one's age has been in existence for years. While women do it all the time, nowadays, even men want to look younger that...

How to Fix Chapped Lips | Best Remedies for Chapped Lips

Dry and scaly lips are bad news. They are not only painful but can also look unappealing and may not compliment your personality. While...

What Does the Color of Your Phlegm Indicate?

The color of your phlegm can indicate many things and can give you a glimpse into the kind of health problem your are currently...
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