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What Causes Bad Smell In Nose And How To Deal With It?

It is quite common for people to experience a foul odor from the mouth. However, when a foul odor comes from the nose then it is normally caused due to an underlying medical condition. The conditions usually involve the sinuses, moth, and the nasal passages. The bad smell usually comes from inside the nose. Some of the conditions that can cause bad smell from the nose include acute or chronic sinusitis, dry mouth, infections of the tooth or mouth, food and drinks, or certain serious conditions that affect the sense of smell of a person [1, 2, 3].

In majority of the cases the medical conditions causing bad smell from the nose are benign and not a cause of concern. However, a bad smell from the nose can definitely affect the quality of life of a person and be a reason for social embarrassment, especially in intimate situations [1, 2, 3]. The article below highlights some of the potential causes of Bad Smell from the Nose.

What Causes Bad Smell In Nose?

What Causes Bad Smell In Nose?

The potential causes for Bad Smell from the Nose include

Acute or Chronic Sinusitis: This is quite a common cause for Bad Smell from the Nose. The condition is as a result of infection affecting the sinuses. It is estimated that around 30 million people in the United States have this condition. The primary presenting features of sinusitis is persistent nasal congestion and inflammation of the sinuses. This adversely affects the ability of a person to smell normally. This in turn causes the person to have a bad breath and a foul smelling odor or discharge from the nose [3].

A typical case of acute sinusitis lasts for a period of about two months while chronic cases can last for as long as several months. Sinusitis can be caused by bacteria, fungus, or molds [3].

Poor Oral Hygiene: This is yet another cause for a person to have a Bad Smell from the Nose. A person with poor oral health tends to have tooth cavities where bacteria get entrapped and release foul smelling gasses. These gasses travel through the back of the mouth through which it enters the sinuses resulting in Bad Smell from the Nose. There is increased likelihood of food particles getting stuck in the tooth in a person with poor oral hygiene causing foul smell and taste in the mouth [3].

Food and Medications: There are also certain foods and medications when eaten can cause Bad Smell from the Nose. Foods contain plenty of microorganisms which magnify the sense of smell. This is what lets people enjoy different dishes as these microorganisms travel through the sinuses to the nose. These foods when they break down release odors during the process of digestion. Sometimes, if food particles get trapped in the mouth for longer period of time then it may result in Bad Smell from the Nose [3].

These foods include garlic, onions and spicy foods. There are certain drugs that have the same effect causing Bad Smell from the Nose. These medications include amphetamines and phenothiazines [3].

Dry Mouth: This is also one of the causes for Bad Smell from the Nose. A person develops dry mouth when there is no adequate production of saliva. The function of the saliva is to remove any food particles or debris from the mouth. It also acts as a neutralizer for acids. Thus if there is no enough saliva there is more likelihood of food particles staying in the mouth causing Bad Smell from the Nose [3].

Some of the common causes of dry mouth are breathing through the mouth, dehydration, excessive use of pain medications, use of antihistamines and diuretics. Medical conditions like Sjogren Syndrome can also cause dry mouth [3].

Tobacco Use: There are chemicals present in tobacco products that make the teeth weak increasing the risk of gum disease. This results in Bad Smell from the mouth and Nose [3].

Medical Conditions: There are also certain medical conditions that cause Bad Smell from the Nose. Acid reflux is the most common disorder that causes a person to have Bad Smell from the Nose. At times, medical conditions like diabetes, liver dysfunction and kidney disease also cause Bad Smell from the Nose [3].

How To Deal With Bad Smell In Nose?

Identifying the underlying cause and treating it is the best way to manage Bad Smell from the Nose. There are also certain home remedies that can achieve the same result. This includes saltwater rinses. This is quite an effective way to decrease the intensity of Bad Smell from the Nose. To make a saltwater rinse, boil a cup of water and allow it to cool. Then add one teaspoon of salt in it. Now take some of this mixture in the palm of the hands and sniff the mixture through one nostril at a time and allow it to run out of the nose. Repeat this process about five times [3].

Hydration: Keeping the body well hydrated especially during the summer months is very important not only to prevent dehydration but also prevent Bad Smell from the Nose. This is because dehydration is a cause to many conditions that cause bad smell from the nose. In cases where a person has dry mouth then taking artificial saliva can be effective. One can also try foods that require plenty of chewing like vegetables increase saliva production [3].

Practice Good Dental Hygiene: It is essential to practice good oral hygiene to prevent Bad Smell from the Nose. This is because it can prevent many oral conditions. The American Dental Association recommends brushing the teeth for at least two minutes twice daily. It is also important to floss daily as well. Using a tongue scraper or cleaner also helps. It is also important to cut down on foods that may cause dehydration like alcohol and caffeinated beverages [3].

Medications: There are also certain over the counter medications that can help manage Bad Smell from the Nose. These medications include nasal decongestants and antihistamines. Conditions like sinusitis and nasal infections require much aggressive treatment and thus a consultation with a physician is recommended [3].

The physician may recommend topical nasal sprays containing corticosteroids to calm down the inflammation in the nasal passages and sinuses. In rare cases surgery may have to be done to correct certain nasal bone defects or closed up airways [3].

In conclusion, Bad Smell from the Nose can be quite embarrassing for a person and significantly impacts the quality of life. There are a variety of causes for Bad Smell from the Nose including medical conditions like acute or chronic sinusitis, foods, certain medications, and lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking. In majority of the cases, Bad Smell from the Nose is a benign condition and does not require any medical treatment and home remedies such as saltwater rinses are good enough to manage the condition [1, 2, 3].

There are also over the counter medications available that can manage the condition effectively. In some cases, however, if the nasal passages and sinuses are inflamed or there is a defect in the nose that may be causing Bad Smell from the Nose then more aggressive measures including surgery may have to be taken to manage the condition [1, 2, 3].


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 19, 2022

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