6 Exercises to Increase Wrist Size

Why Should We Exercise Our Wrist?

While doing strength training, many people tend to ignore working on the strength of the wrists. Many of the gym workouts do facilitate the strengthening of the wrist muscles, but still specific focus is necessary for the wrist muscles to increase the wrist size. A lot of gym enthusiasts take to weight training or weightless training to increase the sizes of the wrists. Specifically working on the wrists means enhancing the grip and strength of the forearm as well the palm. To build the strength and size of the wrists, the right exercise is needed. In addition to an ideal wrist exercise, proper execution of the exercise should be done to keep away from injury or wear and tear of tissues and muscles in the wrists and forearms. For this reason we have compiled this article and given below are some exercises to increase wrist size.

6 Exercises to Increase Wrist Size

6 Exercises to Increase Wrist Size

Exercise for Increasing Wrist Size #1: WRIST CURLS

Wrist curls can be said to be the most convenient and easy type of exercise to increase wrist size. The wrist curls work on the muscles in the wrist and forearms, building their strength and leading to increase in the size of the wrists. Standard curls are done by holding a dumbbell in one hand or a barbell with both hands in an upward position. Rest your forearms on a platform such as a table or your lap and using your forearms and wrists lift the weight up slowly. Hold in this position for a few seconds and then return to the original position. A reverse wrist curl can be performed by holding the weight in a downward position and perform the same action a few times. The weights need not be as heavy as used for performing bicep or triceps curls. Doing wrist curl exercise will greatly help in increasing wrist size.

Exercise for Increasing Wrist Size #2: FOREARM DEVELOPER

Forearm developer is a standard piece of equipment used to give the wrists and the palm an ideal workout along with helping in increasing the wrist size. The equipment is made of a rod or a dowel connected by a chain or rope with a weight added to the end. The rope or chain has to be rolled onto the dowel and then unrolled. This exercise should be done several times. The forearm developer works by building tension in the wrists as well as the forearms. This helps the muscles in the wrists to flex thus facilitating the increase in wrist strength and size.

Exercise for Increasing Wrist Size #3: GRIP EXERCISES

Performing grip exercise is one of the convenient exercises that can be done to increase wrist size anytime anywhere. A wrist muscle developer with a counter grip is used for grip exercises. This equipment works similar to a squeeze ball. The handles are connected with a spring that helps build and release the tension in the equipment. Hold the spring loaded grip exerciser in one hand and press the handle towards each other, hold for a while and then release. This exercise works on the wrists and the palms and works on the grip. A simple squeeze ball can also be used for grip exercises. You can try the same without any equipment as well. Just flex your palm with the fingers wide apart and release after holding for a while. Repeat this exercise a few times to increase your wrist size.

Exercise for Increasing Wrist Size #4: YOGA POSES

Yoga postures give a complete body workout and is also said to be effective for increasing wrist size. Basic poses of yoga work on a number of muscles in the body including the wrists. Yoga poses like downward dog, upward facing dog, plank pose, side planks, crane, side crane and many more exerts pressure on the hands and wrists facilitating the muscles to strengthen thus increasing the wrist size. These yoga poses should be performed only a few times. Over doing any of these yoga poses can injure the hands and wrists as the weight of the entire body is concentrated on the hands and wrists.

Exercise for Increasing Wrist Size #5: WRIST RELEASES

Wrist releases can be performed without any expensive or fancy equipment and anywhere. All you need is a flat surface such as a wall or a table. Wrist releases are nothing but stretching of the wrists outwards or inwards and holding in the position for a while. Press the wrists against a flat surface and flex the muscles towards the wrists, applying pressure on it. This is mostly done after a workout session, as it helps the muscles to relax and avoid any possibility of injury or muscle soreness.

Exercise for Increasing Wrist Size #6: ROLLING

Another way of working with the wrist muscles is by holding a towel in both the hands and rolling the ends in opposite directions like wringing it.The turning of the towel makes the wrist muscles flex thereby improving the grip and helping the muscles to build which leads to increase in the wrist size. Most of the gyms have rolling equipments with weights attached to ropes. The weights can be adjusted to increase or decrease the intensity of the workout. While using a towel, the intensity can be increased by wetting the towel, which will make it heavier thus increasing the intensity of the workout. Apart from towels, rods can also be used as rolling equipment.


Building wrist strength and increasing the wrist size need not involve high-end equipments or expensive machines. Simple weights and exercises can be used to flex the muscles or wrists to increase the size. Wrist size exercises can be surprisingly performed with household utilities as well, thus facilitating individuals to practice it anytime and anywhere they want. However, before you get on to it, it is necessary to understand that building of wrist strength and wrist muscles takes time. Therefore, a consistent effort should be put in to achieve increase in the wrist size. Other exercises like push ups, chin ups, knuckle push ups and plate pinches can also help to increase wrist size. While performing these exercises, other muscles of the entire arms are also involved and also benefit from these exercises.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 3, 2017

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