Exercises To Improve Hip Range Of Motion

Hip joint plays a role in providing stability to the upper body and also in locomotion. However, there are various factors that affect the stability of hip joint, its range of motion and also result in hip pain. This article focuses on some of the most effective exercises to improve hip range of motion.

Exercises To Improve Hip Range Of Motion

The hip joint is also known as a ball and a socket joint. It is where the top of the thigh meets the pelvis. There are certain health conditions such as arthritis, limit the range of motion of the hip joint. Also, strenuous exercise, wearing high heels, and certain leg and back injuries can have a similar effect on this joint. All this affect the motility. However, certain exercises that can help loosen the soft tissue and improve the flexibility and mobility in the hip area are of great help.

Here are some of the most effective exercises to improve hip range of motion.

Leg Swing. This is a very simple movement and can be practiced anywhere. This exercises helps to improve hip range of motion while also strengthening the hip muscles.

Stand on one leg and move the other leg backward and forward. Hold onto a support to balance if necessary. This is known as the forward leg swing.

Side leg swing is similar to the forward leg swing. In this swing the leg across the body in front of you. Maintain the forward pointing toe position.

In circular leg swing, swing the leg in a circular motion of 360 degrees. The leg can be moved in a circular motion for 60 seconds to feel the stretch

Keep the back straight during this exercise.

Squats. Squats is a great exercise to improve hip range of motion and hip and knee joint mobility.

To perform this exercise, join the hands together in front of the body. Lower down the body towards the ground, as you do while sitting. Move down till the thighs are parallel to the ground. Next, come back to the starting position and repeat.

Cossack. This is an excellent hip mobility exercise and is considered as one of the best exercises to improve hip range of motion. It also helps to strengthen the leg muscles and improves balance.

To perform this exercise, stand with the feet wide apart, double the shoulder width, with the toes pointing outwards. Now, squat to the right, going as low as you can.

Come back to the starting position and repeat from the left side.

Baby Pose. This is one of the simplest yet effective exercise to improve hip range of motion. It is an excellent exercise for the beginners and also helps those suffering from hip pain.

To perform this exercise, lie down on the back with the feet up in the air. Grab the outside of the toes. Pull the one knees towards the armpit gently, followed by the other. You can also pull both the legs together.

The Frog. This exercise is beneficial in increasing the flexibility and strength of the hips, glutes, and the thigh muscles. Owing to its wide benefits and involvement of various joints and muscles, it is undoubtedly a great exercise to improve hip range of motion.

Get down on your hand and knees. The palm should be fat on the floor with the hip, knee, and shoulder aligned. Inhale and move the knees apart from each other. Keep the feet together. More the hip mobility deeper will be the movement. This is done well by those having good fitness levels and certainly not recommended for the beginners.

Figure Four. This exercise helps in stretching the piriformis muscle and also the gluteal muscle. It is a one of the excellent exercises to improve hip range of motion.

Lie down on the back with the knees bent and both the feet touching the wall. Place the ankle on one leg over the knee of the other. Apply a little pressure to the knee. You will feel the stretch on the buttock while doing this. The stretch depends on how much the legs are bent and how close you are to the wall. Try to keep the stretch on the hips and buttocks and not to exert pressure on the knees.

It is not necessary that everyone can pull up the exercise with ease. It will take time for some, while a few might experience pain and stiffness in the muscles in the beginning. In any case, if the pain persists for long do not delay getting an advice from the health professional. For those with known joint and muscle problems or previous injuries and pain, it is better to seek medical advice before beginning with any exercises.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 11, 2018

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