Is Breast Asymmetry Surgery Covered By Insurance?

Is Breast Asymmetry Surgery Covered By Insurance?

Breast asymmetry is quite a common problem among women. Occasionally when the asymmetry is severe then the treatment for such is necessary. A number of options are used to treat this which may include breast reduction, breast lift, and breast augmentation and so on. Unfortunately, most of the insurance plans may cover the expense of breast asymmetry surgery when such is related to breast cancer. This is because such a surgery is considered to be cosmetic, and cosmetic surgeries are not covered by insurances. In very rare cases insurance companies cover the expenses of such surgeries when they are related with functional impairment. This would require going through prior authorization process in order to establish medical necessity.

Is Breast Asymmetry Surgery Covered By Insurance?

What Does Asymmetry Surgery Involve?

The main goal of asymmetry surgery is to match the two breasts in shape and size as closely as possible. This involves making the breasts smaller or bigger to match the other. The surgery may also involve the use of an implant on one side in combination with lifting or reducing the other side. The surgery depends on the individual situations. It is important to discuss with the surgeon the procedure of the surgery best suited for a patient.

What to Expect After Breast Asymmetry Surgery?

Once the breast asymmetry surgery is done, the following expectations should be kept:

Rest: The patient should plan on taking a break from work and relax for at least two days after the breast asymmetry surgery.

Surgery Bra: The patient will be given a surgery bra with adjustable straps for comfort.

Medicines: The patient has to take medications prescribed to her during this period.

Recovery: After the first few days, most of the patients are up and around to resume basic activities. They do not need any form of pain medications.

Avoid Few Activities: It is important to avoid strenuous activities like exercise and heavy lifting for at least three weeks after the surgery.

Tiredness: The patient may feel tired and sore by the end of the day if she resumes going back to work.

How is Breast Asymmetry Surgery Done?

The surgical options may vary because there are many variations and permutations of the uneven breasts. The surgeon and the patient usually discuss what procedure will be best suited for the patient prior the surgery. The patient’s requirements are taken into consideration for desired outcomes. The possible procedures may involve:

  • Breast reduction.
  • Breast augmentation.
  • Breast uplift.
  • Nipple repositioning.
  • Fat transfer augmentation.

How Does Breast Asymmetry Surgery Impact The Patient’s Life?

Before the breast asymmetry surgery it is seen that patients may find it difficult to stay happy because the start to realize that their breasts are different to other women. This causes distress and shame. Working on the symmetry of the breasts to improve them makes the patient look as well as feel better. The patient no longer has to disguise her breasts. This significantly boosts the patient’s self-esteem. Patients feel better about themselves and this improves the quality of life.

When Can Breast Asymmetry Surgery Be A Choice For A Patient?

When the patient experiences low self-esteem because of breast asymmetry, she may go for breast asymmetry surgery. The patient may feel

  • The volume of both the breasts to be very different.
  • The nipples of the breast are low in position.
  • The nipples and the areola are not in normal shape.
  • The breasts are not in normal shape.

When such thoughts haunt the patient, she may readily consult a surgeon for breast asymmetry surgery. The surgeon provides the best advice as to which procedure of the surgery will be best suited.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 28, 2018

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