Malignant hyperthermia is a genetic disorder that arises when one is exposed to anesthetics and the muscle relaxant – succinylcholine. As a result of the exposure, the patient experience adverse reactions to the drugs, which can become fatal if not treated early enough. Anesthetics and succinylcholine are commonly used during surgery.
It is therefore crucial that in case a patient exhibits symptoms of malignant hyperthermia, the procedure is ceased immediately. In addition to that, necessary treatment methods should be put into play to ensure that the patient recovers well from the condition. Malignant hyperthermia is treated using Dantrolene, which counteracts the symptoms which are as a result of exposure to the anesthetics. It can also be managed using ice packs, cold isotonic saline and cooling blankets to reduce body temperatures.
What To Eat When You Have Malignant Hyperthermia?
Is there a diet for malignant hyperthermia? There is no known diet for malignant hyperthermia considering that the condition is hereditary, meaning the genetic composition is the main problem. Regardless, a patient can create their own diet plan based on foods which can help ease the symptoms of the condition. The severity of malignant hyperthermia is characterized by a drastic rise in temperatures as well as muscle rigidity. Other symptoms of the condition include; rapid heartbeat, increased metabolic rate, myoglobin increase, and calcium homeostasis from skeletal muscle. The essence of a diet for malignant hyperthermia could be to deal with the underlying symptoms of the condition and help improve them during the recovery period. It is also important to eat a well-balanced diet that is healthy and rich in various nutrients. This is so as to boost your body’s immunity and improve your general well-being as well.
Foods To Eat
The body needs to be well hydrated at all times for general health benefits. For patients with malignant hyperthermia, water should be part of the diet to naturally help cool off the body. Other than that, water also helps with cleaning the body. Fruits and vegetables should also be included in the diet since they contain numerous nutrients and help boost the body’s immune ability. Fruits that help with lowering body temperatures include; watermelon and strawberries, while vegetables include cucumber, celery, and cauliflower. For metabolism, it needs not to be too high or too low. Some foods which can help lower metabolic rate when it’s too high are white floor foods, farmed beef, conventional apples, and omega-6 fatty acids. However, these foods should be eaten in limited amounts because they can do more damage to your metabolism than good.
If malignant hyperthermia progresses into dangerous levels, it can lead to the presence of myoglobin which impairs liver functionality. Patients experiencing liver failure problems should eat a diet with foods such as greens, plenty of fruits including avocado, oatmeal, low-fat dairy, and walnuts. In case of heart complications, a patient should consume foods such as lean proteins, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. In your diet, you could also include foods that contain nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Foods rich in dietary fiber and low in carbohydrates are also good for patients with malignant hyperthermia. They have plenty of nutritional benefits and also help with enhancing the efficiency of your metabolism rate.
Whenever you fall ill, it’s important that you take extra care for yourself by observing what you eat. Malignant hyperthermia may not necessarily need a diet, but you can incorporate a few nutritional foods to help manage the condition. However, the most important thing is ensuring that you take your prescribed medication and complete the dosage as required. Exercising is also important if you have malignant hyperthermia to help with the muscle rigidity that is a major symptom of the illness. People with malignant hyperthermia should avoid consuming caffeine often and in large amounts because they experience muscle cramps than a normally healthy person. Other foods to avoid include those which trigger calcium homeostasis from muscles and those that can elevate body temperatures.