What is Neuromuscular Reeducation (NMR)?
Neuromuscular Reeducation is an energetic soft tissue technique which focuses on rehabilitation of the soft tissue. It is a non-invasive treatment, which helps in restoring proper muscle function and movement so that the body heals and performs at its optimum level. This treatment gives fast and lasting pain relief and restores the loss of function, which occurs due to injuries to the nerves, connective tissue, muscles and joints. It integrates the characteristics of trigger point therapy, sports massage, fascial release and active release techniques. Very few chiropractors focus on the soft tissue injuries, as they are more focused on manipulation of the joints in the spine. However, there are some injuries to the nervous system, spine and extremities where, due to the presence of adhesions in the soft tissues, immediate chiropractic manipulation can do more harm than good. So, the adhesions in the muscles, tendons, etc. should be treated first before doing any manipulation.
Chiropractors trained in neuromuscular reeducation are very well versed in anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the human body. They are also specialists in treating adhesions in the soft tissue with incredible results.
How Does Neuromuscular Reeducation (NMR) Work?
Any part of the body can get injured such as muscle, fascia, connective tissue, tendon etc. When there is any injury to the tissues, the body deals with it by swelling in that particular tissue. After this, fibrous healing occurs where the scar tissue builds up rapidly in order to protect the injured regions. These adhesions of the scar tissue may persist or remain in the tissues for many years after the actual injury and this hinders the muscle strength as well as its range of motion resulting in impaired movements and pain. Here is where NMR comes in by benefiting in various aches and pains including back, neck and joint pain, stiff joints and any regions which have limited motion like old injuries and sports injuries, which have not completely recovered. NMR does not comprise of a pain free or relaxing massage. Very firm pressure is used in this deep manual therapy or massage in order to reach the adhesions and scar tissue in the muscle fibres and break them down. Slow and controlled strokes are used. Patients may feel tenderness and pain after this treatment, but it should be tolerable and not to the extent that it becomes very painful or unbearable. If it does become very painful, then patient should tell the therapist to use less pressure during the treatment. The Neuromuscular Reeducation technique concentrates on detecting and breaking up the cross-fiber adhesions in the injured soft tissues. A skilled chiropractor feels for the location and direction of the adhesions and starts to manipulate and massage the soft tissues, so that they are restored to their normal tension, texture, and length.
Benefits of Neuromuscular Reeducation (NMR)?
The Aim of Neuromuscular Reeducation Technique Is:
- Breaking down the soft tissue adhesions, restrictions.
- Releasing the entrapped nerves.
- Restoring the flexibility, strength and function of the muscles and tendons.
- Restoring normal texture, tension, and movement of the tissue.
Post Treatment Care for Neuromuscular Reeducation (NMR)
Many patients have remarkable improvement in their degree of pain and the range of motion immediately post treatment. The regions where treatment was done will feel tender for a day or two and then the tenderness subsides along with increase in mobility and strength. Patient should take care to maintain a balance of activity and rest. After the treatment, patient should make the best of his enhanced strength, reduced pain and improved range of motion in order to get the brain and body used to the enhanced function, as getting rid of adhesions is only a part of the treatment, but with pain and limited range of motion, a patient gets used to the limited mobility and continues to move in a limited fashion even after the injury has resolved. So, in order to completely heal an injured area, patient has to re-train oneself to actively and consciously (or unconsciously) move the injured region through its full range of motion, otherwise, the limited and inappropriate movements will cause re-injury to the tissues.