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Who Is At Risk For Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

There is no exact cause of narcissistic personality disorder however, one can develop the condition due to family history or influence from a person...

What is the Link Between Depression and Constipation?

There has been a clear link suggested between constipation and psychiatric ailments, especially depression according to various studies. According to the studies conducted it...

Is Narcolepsy A Mental Illness & What’s The Treatment For It?

Narcolepsy is a chronic neurodegenerative disease. It is characterized by features like excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and sleep-related hallucinations. In this condition,...

What is the Electra Complex & How Does it Work?

What is the Electra Complex? Described as the female version of Sigmund Freud's Oedipus complex, the Electra complex revolves around a girl, aged between 3...

Alternative Treatment For Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Individuals affected with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) have an exaggerated feeling of their own significance. They are full of self-love and have a profound...

Is Anxiety Attack the Same as Panic Attack?

Anxiety and panic attack are part of normal human emotion and is experienced by almost everyone at some time or the other. It is...

Strategies to Manage and Prevent Stress

Stress is a common issue encountered by a large portion of the population in today’s world. It is the body’s reaction to changes around...

Can Sleep Deprivation Actually Treat Depression?

Many people who are diagnosed with clinical depression find it difficult to fall asleep or staying asleep. There is a definite reason behind this...

Relapse of Depression and How Does It Feels

Overview of Relapse of Depression Everyone feels sad or depressed at some point in your life. Depression is a normal reaction to the struggles in...

How To Know If You Have Test Anxiety & How To Overcome It?

Do you usually feel extremely anxious before taking test or appearing for your examination? Do you really want to know if you have test...
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