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What Is The Best Treatment For Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer?

Nonmelanoma type of skin cancer refers to a specific group of cancers, which develop at a slow rate and in the upper area of one’s skin.

What Is The Best Treatment For Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer?

What Is The Best Treatment For Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer?

The combination of treatment to cure nonmelanoma skin cancer depends on your current health condition, which includes-

  • The type of non-melanoma skin cancer you suffer
  • Whether you are at low or high risk
  • Size and location of your nonmelanoma skin cancer
  • Your individual preferences(1)

A few of the common treatment methods recommended by doctors are-

Surgery For Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer

Surgery is the primary treatment to handle nonmelanoma skin cancer. Depending on the specific type, the risk involved, size, location and group of cancer, doctors perform-

Surgical Excision: Surgical excision procedure for nonmelanoma skin cancer removes your cancer and a few of the normal tissues surrounding it i.e. surgical margin. This treatment is common in every risk group.

Mohs Surgery: In the case of Mohs surgery for nonmelanoma skin cancer, doctors will remove your cancers in the form of layers i.e. little by little until and unless they succeed to clear your cancer completely. This is preferable among patients have cancers on their face or at relatively high risk.

Electrodesiccation And Curettage: The combination of electrodesiccation and curettage involves the application of a sharp tool i.e. curette to scrape your cancer. Later on, doctors treat the affected area by applying electric current and thereby, destroy the pending cancerous cells. The treatment is useful for patients to have cancer on their skin surface and remain at low risk. The treatment is preferable for patients have tumors on their body trunks, neck, legs and arms.

Cryosurgery: In the case of cryosurgery for nonmelanoma skin cancer, doctors use extreme cold to destroy the cancer tissue by freezing it and thereby, treat various low-risk types of cancers.

Reconstructive Surgery: Reconstructive type of surgery for nonmelanoma skin cancer repairs one’s skin and the surrounding area after the removal of the tumor. The procedure involves the removal of a large skin area to avoid cancer completely. Accordingly, the doctor will collect a piece of your skin from another body part i.e. perform skin flap or skin graft for rebuilding the affected area.

Dissection Of Lymph Node: Dissection of lymph nodes involves the removal of lymph nodes from the patient’s body. This is recommendable when cancer spreads to other surrounding lymph nodes.(1)

Drug Therapy For Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer

Drug therapy is preferable for the treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancer depending on its specific location. Doctors may give drugs in various ways-

Systemic Chemotherapy: In the case of systemic chemotherapy, doctors prescribe cytotoxic i.e. anticancer drugs for destroying cancer cells in the entire body and especially, for metastatic or locally advanced nonmelanoma skin cancer.

Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy treatment for nonmelanoma skin cancer involves the use of drugs to target a few of the specific molecules, like for instance protein within or on the cancer cells to prevent the spread and growth of cancerous cells.

Tropical Therapy: Tropical therapy involves the application of a gel or cream to apply drugs on your affected skin. The treatment is perfect to treat a small and superficial type of cancer that takes place on your neck, legs, arms and body trunks.

Radiation Therapy: Radiation or external beam therapy for nonmelanoma skin cancer uses a specific machine for directing the radiation beam to your skin area and the surrounding tissues but in a small amount. It is useful instead of surgery for the treatment of various high-risk cancers. Particularly, this is performed when doctors cannot perform any of the surgical treatments. Also, radiation therapy is preferable when cancer develops in a body area, which is hard to treat via surgical treatment.

Photodynamic Therapy: Photodynamic therapy involves the use of various drugs, which make cells highly sensitivity towards the light for destroying various cancerous cells. The therapy is useful when your cancer is in your body’s visible area or surgery is not possible.(1)


Doctors may opt for varieties of treatment options to cure and manage your symptoms related to nonmelanoma skin cancer.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 27, 2019

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