Circumcision: Best Treatment For Redundant Prepuce and Phimosis

What Is Redundant Prepuce And Phimosis?

Redundant prepuce or foreskin means that the foreskin of the penis is a bit longer than normal and it covers the glans entirely when the penis is not erect. This in some men may be the cause of infection and inflammation and hence removal of this excess skin becomes necessary. This is done through a surgical procedure called circumcision.

Phimosis is a medical condition in which the foreskin becomes so tight that it does not retract from the glans and covers the glans at all times. This is more often seen in newborns where the foreskin and the glans are more or less attached to each other. This condition is self limiting and resolves on its own with age, and by the time the boy is five years of age it completely resolves, although it has been noted in some cases to occur in adult males due to infections.

Circumcision: Best Treatment For Redundant Prepuce and Phimosis

What Are The Conditions For Which An Individual Requires Circumcision?

The following are the medical conditions for which an individual requires circumcision to get rid of the condition:

  • Circumcision For Phimosis: As stated, in this condition the foreskin does not retract from the glans which may cause severe restriction of the growth of the penis. This condition may cause men to have smaller coronas of the glans, which may not give them enough sexual pleasure and may affect their sex life. Hence circumcision is needed to get rid of this condition, specifically in adults.
  • Circumcision To Treat Foreskin Infection: A foreskin infection occurs when any discharge from under the foreskin is not able to be cleaned appropriately because of the small opening and long foreskin leading to infections. Such infections may cause urinary problems later on hence circumcision is required to treat the condition.
  • Circumcision To Treat Balanitis Xerotica Obliterates: This is an infection of the penis normally found to occur in the foreskin and the glans. There is no known cause for this condition but it tends to occur in men who have redundant prepuce and also have a compromised immune system. In this condition, there is redness around the urethra along with pain and irritation around the penile region.
  • Urinary Tract Infection: Frequent urinary tract infections at times can be caused due to redundant prepuce and is controlled by circumcision.
  • Impact on Sex Life: If the foreskin is not able to retract from the glans then it negatively impacts the sex life of a man. Hence to have a healthy sex it is recommended that if an individual has increased size of the foreskin then he consider circumcision.
  • Circumcision For Paraphimosis: This is a condition in which the foreskin gets stuck behind the penis and is not able to be retracted to a normal position. It is quite a painful condition and normally requires circumcision to correct this problem.

Circumcision– The Best Treatment For Redundant Prepuce And Phimosis

The best way to get rid of redundant prepuce and phimosis is to undergo a circumcision. Circumcision is a very old surgical procedure and has been conducted for many years for different reasons. With the advancement of medical science researchers have come up with novel ways to perform circumcision.

Traditional Circumcision: This is the oldest form of circumcision. In this form, the excess foreskin is surgically removed and the glans is exposed. This surgery takes about half an hour and is done as an outpatient. Postsurgery, wounds are sutured with absorbable sutures. The individual can return back to normal activities almost immediately. Pain medications are given for any pain or discomfort that the individual may experience. Sexual activities can be resumed within a month postsurgery.

Laser Circumcision: This is a more novel method of doing circumcision. In this procedure the excess skin is removed utilizing laser beams. This method is quite helpful as it prevents significant bleeding and the wounds are very small. This procedure is also very precise and only the excess skin is removed. This procedure takes about 20 minutes. This procedure is far less painful and full recovery is expected in a couple of days.

Latest Laser Circumcision: This is the most advanced version of laser circumcision. In this procedure, a metal ring is utilized for removal of the excess skin making it more accurate and removing the exact amount of skin that is required to be removed. This ring protects the penis during the procedure. When compared to the traditional method of circumcision this method gives added protection to the penis and is more accurate and precise. Also, this method of circumcision requires less use of anesthesia than the traditional method. This procedure also takes around 20 minutes to complete and complete recovery takes place in a couple of day’s postsurgery. It is significantly less painful and hence pain medications are not required.

What Is The Difference Between The Traditional Form Of Circumcision And The Latest Techniques Used For Circumcision?

Traditional Circumcision: The excessive foreskins can be surgically removed to enable the exposure of glans. This procedure may be painful and the patient may require pain medications until the pain subsides. The patient undergoing the procedure may require pain medication for up to a week for relief of pain and discomfort. Since this procedure requires sutures the time taken for the patient to return to normal sexual activities may be two to three weeks.

Laser Circumcision: In this procedure, there is a metal ring which is utilized giving added protection to the penis when the patient undergoes the surgery. This procedure allows minimal bleeding and is significantly less painful than the traditional methods of circumcision. Also, anesthesia that is required for this method is a local anesthesia which is far less than the traditional method. In this method, the patient does not require any pain medication as there is minimal bleeding and there is very minimal pain. Since there are not sutures required for this procedure as soon as the small wounds which are made during this procedure heals the patient can return to normal sexual activity which takes approximately a week.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 5, 2022

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