
Is Autoimmune Hepatitis Considered a Disability?

Is Autoimmune Hepatitis Considered a Disability? Autoimmune hepatitis is a condition characterized by liver inflammation that occurs when the defense system confuses the cells of...

Can You Get Disability Benefits For Hip Pain?

Can You Get Disability Benefits For Hip Pain? Hip pain is one of the most common complaints that working adults complain of at some point...

Can You Get Disability Benefits For Wrist Pain?

Can You Get Disability Benefits For Wrist Pain? Wrist Pain is one of the most common complaints that people present with to their treating physicians....

Can You Get Disability Benefits For Shoulder Pain

Can You Get Disability Benefits For Shoulder Pain Shoulder pain is one of the most annoying painful conditions of the upper extremity and perhaps one...

Is Having Glaucoma a Disability?

Glaucoma is a disease of the eye that leads to the damage if the optic nerve that gradually results in the loss of sight....

Is Scleroderma a Disability?

Scleroderma is a disease characterized by fibrosis. An alteration occurs in the fibroblasts, whose cause is unknown. The most important affectation of the skin...

Is Lymphedema A Disability?

Lymphedema causes major severity in the person when it affects the hand and the legs as these are the major organs that debilitate any...

Is Microscopic Colitis A Disability?

Microscopic colitis is a medical condition characterized by inflammation of the colon identified only through a microscopic study. It causes chronic watery non-bloody diarrhea,...

Is Mixed Connective Tissue Disease A Disability?

Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) is an autoimmune disease that shows characteristic features of few connective tissue diseases. In this condition, the symptoms of...

Is Mitral Valve Regurgitation A Disability?

Is Mitral Valve Regurgitation A Disability? Yes, mitral valve prolapse and its adverse effect in the form of mitral valve regurgitation categorize in the disability...
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