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Becker’s Nevus|Causes and Treatment for Patch of Hair Growth On One Side Of The Body

What Is Becker’s Nevus?

Becker’s Nevus is a large benign brownish colored birthmark found mostly in males. Becker’s Nevus may be noticed at birth but in most of the cases its presence is noticed at the time the individual reaches puberty. The birthmark tends to get darker as the time grows by and there is excessive hair growth seen around the area of the Becker’s Nevus. Becker’s Nevus or patch of hair growth is mostly seen on one side of the body especially on the shoulder, back and chest or upper trunk area but may also occur on other parts of the body. There may also be development of acne around the affected area.

The main reason behind development of Becker’s Nevus is an overgrowth of the upper layer of the skin called as epidermis along with pigment cells and the hair follicles. The reason as to why this overgrowth occurs is not yet known, although some studies have suggested the role of male sex hormones in the development of Becker’s Nevus.

Patch of hair growth on one side of the body due to Beckers Nevus does not require any particular treatment other than solely for cosmetic purposes as the area where there is development of Becker’s Nevus may look unpleasant to the eye and the individual may opt for removal of the patch of hair growth on one side of the body due to Becker’s Nevus.

Laser assisted removal of the hair is the best treatment by far for Becker’s Nevus or the patch of hair growth on one side of the body. There have been some rare cases where Becker’s Nevus has been associated with certain musculoskeletal features or underdevelopment of breast. In such cases, the condition is named as Becker’s Nevus Syndrome.

What Is Becker’s Nevus?

What Causes Becker’s Nevus or Patch of Hair Growth on One Side of the Body?

As stated, there is no specific cause identified leading to development of Becker’s Nevus or a patch of hair growth on one side of the body but this condition is believed to occur as a result of overgrowth of the epidermis along with the hair follicles and pigment cells. The reason for this overgrowth is still unknown. Some studies have suggested androgen, which are male sex hormones, being responsible for the development of Becker’s Nevus.

What are the Symptoms of Beckers Nevus?

Becker’s Nevus or the patch of hair growth on one side of the body starts becoming more visible and noticeable around the time the individual attains puberty. The nevus usually develops along the shoulder, upper trunk, or one side of the chest, although in some cases it may develop in other areas of the body as well. Becker’s Nevus in some cases may also be present at birth but such cases are quite few.

The skin discoloration around the site of the nevus may not be that prominent in the beginning but tends to get darker as the individual grows and becomes almost dark brown in color by the time the individual attains puberty. There is also overgrowth of hairs along the region of the nevus than the surrounding area which is why one particular area of the body usually the shoulder or the upper trunk will tend to have more hairs than the surrounding areas of the body. Acne is something which may develop in some individuals with Becker’s Nevus.

Beckers Nevus Treatment or Ways to Get Rid of Patch of Hair Growth on One Side of the Body

There is no specific treatment for Becker’s Nevus. Normally, individuals opt for treatment of this condition as the birthmark looks unsightly usually due to excessive hair growth in the region of the nevus and the dark color associated with Becker’s Nevus.

Hair removal around the site of the nevus through laser is the most preferred form of treatment for Becker’s Nevus. However, the results with laser treatments have not been all that successful in alleviating completely the discoloration and the excessive hair growth associated with Becker’s Nevus.

Electrolysis is yet another form of treatment for removing patch of excessive hair growth on one side of the body as a result of Becker’s Nevus. Fractional resurfacing is another technique used for treatment of discoloration associated with Becker’s Nevus, although the recurrence rates are quite high with this form of treatment for Becker’s Nevus. It is highly recommended that individuals should be carefully screened for any bone or soft tissue abnormalities as a result of Becker’s Nevus.


  1. DermNet NZ. (2021). Becker naevus. [https://dermnetnz.org/topics/becker-naevus]
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 25, 2023

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