How Much Does It Cost To Remove A Hemangioma?

Hemangioma is a mass of blood vessels which is generally present in the infants. During the initial days, it is not visible but starts to develop within 2 weeks of birth. It is a non-cancerous or benign mass and thus does not require treatment. Often there is an involution stage after a proliferative stage, which marks the resolution of hemangioma. However, in certain conditions there may be complications related to hemangioma and in those conditions, treatment is required. These complications may vary from organ damage to life threatening repercussions. Treatment generally involves drugs and surgery. By using the drugs, hemangioma disappears while with the surgery, hemangioma is removed. As the treatment involves an infant, thus treatment should be initiated, keeping in mind the pros and cons of the treatment being chosen.

How Much Does It Cost to Remove a Hemangioma?

How Much Does It Cost to Remove a Hemangioma?

The cost of surgery for removing hemangioma depends upon the variety of factors:

  1. Size of Hemangioma: Bigger the size of hemangioma more will be the cost as more time will be required to remove full hemangioma. Further, if the hemangioma is fully grown, then the physician will also have to manage the blood loss and he will try to reduce the waste of normal tissue as low as possible.
  2. Location of Hemangioma: The location of hemangioma also affects the cost of surgery. If the hemangioma is located at a sensitive part of the body, such as eyes, more time will be required to operate, and hence more will be the cost. Further, physician will also have to look after the safety of the organ involved.
  3. Technology Involved: Various methods are employed by the surgeons for removing the hemangioma. The type of method used also determines the cost of surgery. Methods such as shave excision, Cryotherapy, pulse dried laser or Curettage and electrodessication are used. More sophisticated and costly the method is, more will be the overall surgical cost.
  4. Condition of the Patient: The surgical charges also depend upon the condition of the patient and the extra effort done for the care of the patient.

Keeping in account the above factors the typical charges for surgery of hemangioma is USD 1000 to 15000. Further these charges may vary as per the type of hospital chosen by the patient.

Surgical Removal of Hemangioma

Observing and monitoring the growth of hemangioma is the first option while dealing with the scenario of hemangioma treatment. As it is non-cancerous thus the physicians follow the wait and watch approach. Sometimes the hemangiomas disappear on their own. Sometimes, in certain complications, the treatment is required as in case of ulceration and infection as well as risk of organ damage such as in ocular hemangioma. The physicians argue which stage best in surgical removal of hemangioma as it involves two steps:

  1. Proliferative Stage: In which the blood vessels within the hemangioma grows and becomes a mass.
  2. Involution Stage: In this stage, the growth of hemangioma stops, and the conditions began to resolve.

While the hemangioma is in proliferative stage, there is a clear demarcation between the hemangioma and the normal tissue while in involution stage, hemangioma is fully developed thus fading the line between the hemangioma and the normal tissue. Thus, when the surgery is done in the proliferative stage, less of the normal tissue is involved as compared to surgery done in involution stage. Further, the chances of scar formation and blood loss are also less in case of surgery done in proliferative stage as compare to involution stage.


Surgical intervention in hemangioma is considered when the patient has any problem in seeing, eating, breathing or speaking. Further, it can also be done to increase the aesthetic appearance. The typical charges in case of hemangioma surgery depends upon variety of factors such as size of hemangioma, type of technology used, type of hospital chosen, condition of the patient and location of hemangioma.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 29, 2020

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