Corns and calluses are areas of thick skin due to repetitive pressure or friction. This commonly occurs on hands and soles of the feet. Symptoms are thick, hard, flaky or dry skin. These are not life-threatening conditions.
About Corns and Calluses
Corns and calluses are areas of thickened skin resulting from repetitive pressure or friction. Calluses commonly occur on the sole of the foot, especially the ball and heel region. They present as rough, thickened areas of skin and are seldom painful.
Corns are smaller in size than calluses. They commonly occur on non-weight bearing regions of the foot such as on the top of the toe or on the side of the toes. Corns are caused due to friction and are painful to touch.
Causes of Corns and Calluses
Anything causing friction or pressure to the foot or hands may result in corns or calluses. This excess pressure to the skin results in hypertrophy of the skin, which is in fact a protective reaction to prevent further damage to the skin.
Treatment of Corns and Calluses
- The corns should be removed by a podiatrist.
- Patient should consult a doctor in case of diabetes.
- Lubricants such as petroleum jelly can be applied to the skin in order to reduce friction and pressure.
- Plasters for corn and callus should be applied to protect the regions of frequent friction and pressure.
- If the cause is ill-fitting shoes then change of footwear resolves the problem. Gloves should be worn to prevent friction on hands.
- If the condition is not improving despite the treatment and if there is infection present, then a physician should be consulted immediately.