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What Shoes Are Best For Metatarsalgia Patients?

Metatarsalgia is a feet related problem in which there is a sharp pain and inflammation at the ball of the foot. The ball of the foot is the area just behind the toes where the pan occurs. This pain is caused due to over physical activities such as running or jumping on a hard surface, barefooted.[1] When the patients stand or walk or indulges in physical activity, this pain might increase, therefore he has to take special care so that problem does not increase and it is cured. Proper footwear or shoes play a very important role in the treatment of metatarsalgia or to reduce its symptoms.[2]

What Shoes Are Best For Metatarsalgia Patients?

What Shoes Are Best For Metatarsalgia Patients?

The most common symptom of Metatarsalgia is a sharp and tingling pain at the ball of the foot.[3] This portion (the ball) of the foot becomes inflamed and painful. Although, the Metatarsalgia is not a very big problem, but if it is left untreated for a long time it can lead to permanent deformity of your foot and other parts of the foot.[4] When it comes to treatment of the Metatarsalgia, shoes play a very important role in preventing the further damage to the balls of the foot and also to reduce the pain and inflammation. Some of the best reviewed and rated shoes for the treatment of Metatarsalgia are:

  • New Balance M990v4
  • Brook Ghost 11
  • Brooks Addiction Walker
  • ASICS Gel –Venture 6
  • Hoka One One Bondi 5
  • Skechers Go Walk 4
  • Alegria Debra
  • Orthofeet Verve

Apart from shoes some breathable foot wears which are available for Metatarsalgia are:

  • OOFOS Original Thong
  • Birkenstock Arizona soft[5] [6]

The above mentioned foot wears have their own pros and cons, but there are certain criteria for the evaluation of each pair of shoes which are listed below:

Shock Absorption: This is perhaps the most important feature which should be considered while buying a pair of shoes for Metatarsalgia patients. The shock absorbing technique in different brands of shoes is different. Proper shock absorption is crucial for preventing as well as treating the pain of metatarsal region. A pair of shoes with appropriate shock absorbing property will absorb the shock which is generated when the feet lands over the ground or any other activity.

Support: Another important aspect to consider while buying shoes is the amount of support offered by the pair of shoes. Ordinary shoes might provide insufficient support to the arch and lower section of foot which exerts extra pressure on the forefoot causing pain and symptoms of metatarsalgia. The shoes meant for preventing the pain of metatarsalgia provide adequate and neutral support to the feet.[7]

Outsoles: The outsole or the outer sole is the part of shoes which is visible. The outsoles made out of rubber are known to be the best because rubber is lightweight and has sufficient shock absorbing capacity.[8] The soles made out of rubber are durable, shock absorbing and also slip resistant. All these qualities make rubber the ideal material for shoes meant for Metatarsalgia.

Upper portion: The upper portion of the shoes should be considered importantly because the upper shape of the shoes play an important role in prevention and treatment of pain. The pointed upper of the shoes may look fancier to you but it should noted that there is enough space for the upper portion of your feet so that the metatarsal bones and joints aren’t squeezed together.

Size: Last but not the least the most important aspect to consider is the size of the shoes. Inappropriate size of shoes can be the greatest contributor in the metatarsalgia pain.[9] Wearing too narrow, too wide, too small or too big shoes can cause pain.


The various brands of shoes have their own pros and cons. Different types of shoes will be appropriate for different kind of patients. They can be chosen by trying and testing on various ground mentioned above. The best way is to wear them and check which fits the best.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 4, 2022

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