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How Long Does It Take For Trochanteric Bursitis To Heal?

What Is Trochanteric Bursitis?

Inflammation and swelling of the trochanteric bursa is medically termed as trochanteric bursitis. A bursa is a fluid filled sac that is present in those areas of the body where there is increased friction between the muscle, tendons and bones by rubbing against each other. The trochanteric bursa is located between the greater trochanter of the femur and the point where the gluteus minimus and maximus attach themselves. The function of the bursa is to reduce friction between the bones, muscles, and tendons by providing a cushion thus making movements of the bones and tendons smooth and painless.[1]

There are over 150 bursae all over the body of which the trochanteric bursa is extremely vital as the hip joint and muscles provide stability to the body and are a major weightbearing surface of the body. [2] Inflammation and swelling of the trochanteric bursa can cause significant pain and restricted motion of the joint. There are a variety of treatment options available for treating Trochanteric Bursitis.

How Long Does It Take For Trochanteric Bursitis To Heal?

How Long Does It Take For Trochanteric Bursitis To Heal?

Overall, it takes approximately two to eight weeks for Trochanteric Bursitis to completely heal. However, in some cases it may take more than 10-12 weeks to completely recover from Trochanteric Bursitis. The healing time depends on the location and severity of the inflammation. The patient will require complete rest and avoid any activity that may increase pain and inflammation in order to treat Trochanteric Bursitis.

The healing time for inflammation in areas which can be rested is much less and can vary from four to six weeks in total; however since the trochanteric bursa is located in the weightbearing joint of the body it requires more time to heal.

In conclusion, Trochanteric Bursitis normally takes around 8 weeks to completely heal; however, in some cases it may even take upwards of six months for an individual to completely get rid of Trochanteric Bursitis.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 18, 2023

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