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How Do You Stretch Out Shin Splints?

Shin splints1 are the condition involving the muscles of the tibia which are damaged due to repeated trauma. Various stretch exercises are performed to reduce the symptoms, to treat2 shin splints and prevent3 its recurrence.

How Do You Stretch Out Shin Splints?

How Do You Stretch Out Shin Splints?

Stretching exercise is the most effective method for reducing the symptoms of shin splints and also for preventing its recurrence. The stretching exercise involved in managing this condition involves the stretching of muscles and making the muscles more flexible. Following are the stretching exercises for shin splints and initially, these exercises should be done under the guidance of a technical person:

Raising Hip: Keep the body in the flat condition with the back touching the ground and abdomen pointing towards the roof. Bend your feet in such a way that your heels can be touched by the fingers. The arms are placed on the side and start lifting up the hips. The heels are dragged more closely to the hips. Repeat this shin splints exercise for about 15-20 times.

Shin Stretch: Sit in a position in which the upper part of the foot touches the ground, the knees are firmly placed on the ground and the lower part of the door is under the hips. Now, support the body with the help of the hands in the backward direction, once the hands supporting the body lift the knees as high as possible so as to stretch the shin with maximum capacity. Hold the body in this position for 30 seconds and repeat the process twice or thrice.

Shin Resistance Exercises: Stretch your legs while sitting on the floor. Take a band and tie it to your heels. Further, tie the band with the chair or any other support. Stretch the feet along the support while keeping your heels tied to the band. Repeat the process thrice.

Heal-Step Downs: In this exercise for shin splints, the person has to hold its position while walking. The feet are kept away from each other at a distance. While walking on the floor, the person should hold himself in the position where the heels are touching the ground and the sole and lower part of the remaining foot is in the air. Repeat this exercise 5-6 times while switching the legs.

Wall Shin Raises: In this exercise for shin splints, the person stretches the shin muscles while attaching to the wall. The person, while leaning on the wall, lifts the feet from the ground. The feet should be so firmly held on the ground that only the fingers are lifted while keeping the heels attached to the ground. Repeat the process twice or thrice.

Low Ankle Stretches: In this exercise for shin splints, the knee of the left leg touches the ground and the right foot is in forward moving position keeping the knee in the horizontal situation. A position called lunge is formed in this exercise. The right knee is stretched to its maximum capacity. And the body is held in the same position for 1-2 minutes. The steps are repeated by switching the legs.

Toe Stretch: Stand straight with your feet apart from each other. Now sit in a position such that your heels are under the hips and the knees are attached and pointed towards the ground. Stretch the heels with maximum capacity and hold the body for 1-2 minutes. Repeat the process twice or thrice.

Shin Splints Symptoms4

Shin splint is a self-limiting condition and various symptoms can be managed by doing the rest, taking medicines for pain and inflammation and performing simple exercises.

Following are the symptoms of shin splints:

Pain: Chronic pain and debilitating pain are the general symptoms of shin splints. The pain is on the inner edge of the shin or tibia.

Tenderness Or Soreness: The surface of the affected tissue is tender to touch and in some conditions of shin splints, the site is warm to touch.

Numbness: As the muscles are damaged in the shin splints, there might be numbness in shin splints.

Inflammation: Inflammation is also a symptom of shin splints.


Various stretching exercises used for stretching shin splints includes toe stretch, wall shin raises, low ankle stretches, shin stretch, and shin resistance exercises. The shin splints exercises should be done under the guidance of a physiotherapist.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 24, 2020

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