Low impact fibromyalgia exercises are one of the most important part in the treatment plan of fibromyalgia. Studies have shown that exercises have positive effects in improving the fibromyalgia pain when practiced diligently under the professional fitness guidance. The following are the 10 best exercises for fibromyalgia.
Head Press For Neck And Shoulder Blade Muscles.
Rest flat on the back on an exercise mat with legs full stretched straight on the ground.
Position your head on the pillow and press the head on the pillow mildly to squeeze the pillow and now lift the head up. Repeat the process of exercise 10 times. This fibromyalgia exercise can significantly reduce the pain in neck and shoulder blade muscles.
Head and Shoulder Elevation Exercise For Upper Back, Arm And Neck Muscles.
The initial position for this exercise is to lie flat on your abdomen in prone position with hands on your sides elbows flexed and palms facing down and resting on either side of the face. Legs should be together little apart toes resting on the ground. Now lift your upper body from ground level as much as possible keeping your waist down to the ground and be still in this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Now, bring the upper body down to the initial position. Repeat this exercise for 8 to 10 times. This fibromyalgia exercise can be very helpful for upper back, arm and neck muscles pain.
Shoulder Press Exercise For Shoulder Blade And Upper Arm Muscles.
The first step to do this exercise for fibromyalgia is to take two pillows, one large and one small pillow and keep the large pillow first and then small pillow in such a way that when you lie flat on the ground, your head should be on larger pillow and small pillow behind the chest, also bend your legs at the knee joint and place both the hands on the chest crossed. Now, simultaneously press both the shoulders against the pillow and bring up after a few seconds. Repeat this fibromyalgia exercise for 8 to 10 times.
Back Press To Ground Exercise For Mid Back Muscles
Lie flat on your back resting your head on a pillow and bend your legs at the knee joint resting the soles of the feet on the ground. Now press your back while lifting the head up keeping your hands cross flexed on the chest one above the other. Bring your head back to the initial resting position. Repeat this fibromyalgia exercise 8 to 10 as per your comfort. This exercise for fibromyalgia can help mid back muscles significantly.
Backward Stretch Exercise For Lower And Mid Back Muscles.
Begin this exercise in a standing position holding both the hands behind your head. Now, tilt your upper body backwards as much as possible balancing appropriately for 5 to 10 seconds and then come back to the initial position. Repeat this exercise for 8 to 10 times. This backward stretch fibromyalgia exercise can give good results for lower and mid back muscles pain.
Pelvic Bridge Exercise for Lower Back Muscles.
The initial position for this exercise is to lie flat on the back resting the head on a pillow and bending the legs at the knee joint. Keep both the hands on your stomach bending at the elbows with one palm on other. Now raise your hip and abdomen above the ground as much as possible without overstretching and within comfort while resting the head on pillow and legs on the soles of the feet. Stay in this position for 5 to 10 seconds as per your comfort and come back to the beginning position. Repeat this 10 times. This fibromyalgia exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in the lower back muscles.
Knee-Chest Exercise For Abdominal and Thigh Muscles.
The first step to do this exercise is to lie flat on your back with head resting on a pillow and legs straight and full stretched. Now, slowly bring your right thigh to rest on your abdomen bending the leg at knee joint and holding your leg in folding position below the knee joint with the right palm. Stay in this position for 8 to 10 seconds. Now, bring back the leg to the initial resting position. Similarly, do this with your left leg. Repeat this 8 to 10 times with one leg at a time and not simultaneously. This exercise for fibromyalgia is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in the abdominal and thigh muscles.
Heel Drag Exercise For Thigh And Calf Muscles.
The first step to do this exercise is to lie flat on your back with head resting on a pillow and legs straight and full stretched. Now, slowly bring the sole of one foot at a time near to the buttocks as much as possible, stay in this position for 8 to 10 seconds and bring your leg to the initial resting position. Repeat this 10 times with one leg at a time. This exercise for fibromyalgia is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in thigh and calf muscles.
Knee Press Exercise For Back Of Thigh And Calf Muscles.
The initial step to do this exercise for fibromyalgia is to lie flat on your back with head resting on a pillow and keep a roll of a bed sheet or towel under the knee joint. Now, firmly press the leg over the roll of bed sheet and then lift up the lower leg above the roll and ground bending a little. Stay in this position for 5 to 10 seconds and bring back to initial position. Do this with both legs at a time simultaneously. This fibromyalgia exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in back of thigh and calf muscles.
Adductor Muscle Exercise (With Ball) For Leg Muscles.
The first step to do this fibromyalgia pain exercise is to lie flat on your back with head resting on a pillow. Bend both the legs at the hip and knee joint. Rest the soles of the feet on the ground with a ball or roll of bed sheet between the legs at the knee joints. Now press the ball or roll of bed sheet between both the legs. Relax the compression while still holding the ball or roll of bed sheet between the two legs. Repeat this for 8 to 10 times. This fibromyalgia exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in leg muscles.