Hip joint consists of two major elements of skeletal system – femoral head (upper part of the leg) and acetabulum of the pelvis. Hip joint is a ball and socket joint, ball is head of femur and socket is acetabulum a part of pelvis. A total hip replacement is done to replace head of femur bone and modify socket to hold the head of femur bone. Goal is to achieve pain relief and improve function of hip joint. Surgery is called total hip replacement. Surgery involves replacement of the femoral head and acetabulum with artificial component called prosthesis. Femoral head is replaced with metal stem consist of distal ball like structure and disease acetabulum is reconstructed with hollow metal prosthesis. Before the surgery, patient will receive intravenous fluid and prophylactic antibiotics. Surgery is performed under general or spinal anesthesia. The surgeon will make skin incision over the hip joint and then carefully separate muscles and ligaments to access the hip joint. Once the hip joint is exposed, the surgeon will dislocate the disease femoral head from the acetabulum (hip socket). Damage cartilage within acetabulum will be removed and discarded. Inner hollow surface of acetabulam will be reshape to hold the acetabular metal prosthesis. Surgeon then secures the acetabular prosthesis into the socket using special cements or screws. Femoral head is excised from shaft of femur bone. Prosthesis stem consist of metal ball and metal shaft is placed into the distal femur bone and secured by using cement or adhesives. Once the acetabulum component and femoral component are fully placed, a check is done to see the movement of the new hip joint and stability of the joint. X-ray is used to verify if the joint is properly positioned or not. Muscles are carefully reposition and drainage tubes are placed to remove excess fluids and blood from surgical area. Subcutaneous tissue and skin is closed with stitches or staples. Hip joint and lower leg will be kept in a cast for few days. Patient is then transferred to the recovery area and observed for any complications. The patient is encouraged to use the new hip joint after few weeks. Most patients are discharged from the hospital once they are able to walk with either a crutch or walker.