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Technique to do Supta Pawanmuktasana or Reclined Wind Relieving Pose & its Benefits

Supta Pawanmuktasana gets its name from Sanskrit where "Supta" means "Recline", "Pawan" means "Wind", "Mukta" means "Relieving" and "Asana" means "Pose" or "Posture". As its...

Technique to do Adho Mukha Vrksasana or The Handstand & its Benefits

Adho Mukha Vrksasana gets its name from Sanskrit where "Adho" means "Downward", "Mukha" means "Face", "Vrksa" means "Tree" and "Asana" means "Pose" or "Posture". Adho...

Steps To Do Dandasana Or The Staff Pose & its Benefits

Dandasana like other yogasanas is derived from a Sanskrit name where "Danda" means "Stick" and "Asana" means "Pose" or "Posture". Dandasana is also called Staff...

How to Do Ardha Padmasana & What are its Benefits, Precautions?

Understanding the Ardha Padmasana! Ardha Padmasana is usually suggested for people who cannot get in to Padmasana or The full Lotus Pose. It is comparatively...

Technique to Do Kukkutasana or the Rooster Pose & Its Benefits, Precautions

Understanding Kukkutasana or the Rooster Pose! Kukkutasana like all the other asanas gets its name from Sanskrit where "Kukkuta" means "Cock" or "Rooster" and "Asana"...

How to Do Siddhasana or the Accomplished Posture & What are its Benefits, Precautions?

Understanding the Siddhasana or the Accomplished Pose! Siddhasana or the accomplished pose is an asana used for meditation and other yogic practices. The name Siddhasana is...

Yoga Poses That Can Help Reverse Osteoporosis Hunchback or Kyphosis

Yoga is an ancient form of fitness that not only focuses on maintaining postures, but it has immense impact on the mind and soul...

How to Do Bhadrasana & What are its Benefits?

About Bhadrasana or the Gracious Pose! Bhadrasana or The Gracious Pose is a basic yoga pose suitable for beginners. It is very easy to practice...

Technique to Do Jalandhara Bandha, Its Benefits, Precautions, Contraindications

About Jalandhara Bandha or the Chin Lock Pose! The name Jalandhara Bandha is derived from Sanskrit where jalan means 'net' and dhara means 'stream' or...

How to Do Jyestikasana or the Superior Pose & What are Its Benefits?

About Jyestikasana or the Superior Posture! Jyestikasana or The superior posture is a relaxation asana and can be performed by people of all age groups. The...
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