What Is Corrective Exercises?
Corrective exercise is an exercise technique, which is very different from other regular exercise programs. It starts with a detailed analysis of the physical arrangement of the body. This analysis helps in determining any imbalances or deficits that could be affecting an individual’s performance and one’s daily activities. After this analysis, a very specific corrective exercise and flexibility program is developed to help correct the body’s structure and bring it back to its normal state. Corrective exercises are designed to make positive changes in the way an individual moves and they concentrate on the underlying cause of the pain, as the best way to eliminate pain is by eliminating the cause.
Benefits Of Corrective Exercises
- Pain Reduction: The results can be immediate and huge. Although they may not be permanent, they can be reproduced by doing them daily at home.
- Enables an individual to control the pain without the use of drugs, manipulation or surgery.
- Enhances functional and athletic performance.
- Helps in decreasing further injuries from training and sports.
- Helps in detecting physical weaknesses and imbalances.
- Helps in differentiating between movement quality and compensations.
- Helps in detecting the cause-and-effect relationship to microtrauma.
- Improves daily living activities.
- Improves strength and flexibility.
- Improves posture.
- Reduces stress.
- Gives an overall sense of well being.
How Does Corrective Exercise Work?
Corrective Exercise is a type of exercise that helps in bringing the body back into its normal postural position. The body is designed such that it performs at its maximum level when it assumes a proper posture. However, many individuals tend to pick up bad postural habits such as slouching, leaning and sitting at desks in awkward positions at work. Gradually this wrong position is assumed in daily activities causing tightening or stiffness in certain regions and loosening in other areas. Muscles become weak and may not also work. For example, a person’s left hip may not be working properly. This may result in a rotator cuff problem or tight calf muscles. If the movements are compromised in one region of the body, it will cause symptoms in another part of the body. Corrective exercise helps in reversing these compensations and imbalances and directs the body to work in coordination and without pain. Corrective exercise helps in loosening the tense and stiff muscles and activates the lazy muscles. Basically it helps in re-training the body to move as it was designed to move in order to function at its maximum level. Corrective exercise enhances the body’s biomechanics and eliminates the negative stresses from the body, as these negative stresses build up in the body resulting in pain and affecting the body’s normal range of movements. Through corrective exercises, the correct structure of the body is restored and the body stops compensating for imbalances and the person is able to move freely without pain.
Purpose of Corrective Exercise:
- Gives a long lasting solution for injuries, aches, pains and joint problems.
- It is the missing connection for an individual who needs exercise to improve his/her health, fitness and athletic performance.
The basis of corrective exercise is that each muscle is connected to another muscle and the nervous system communicates with all the joints and muscles. Corrective exercise helps in reintroducing appropriate structure in the body, thus enabling a person to move freely with less pain. Corrective exercise benefits people of all abilities and ages. For an athlete or a sports person, corrective exercise helps in enhancing efficiency and performance level, reduces the risk of injury and allows the body to rehabilitate in a best way from injury. Corrective exercises focus on resolving the cause of pain, instead of addressing the symptoms only. It is a simple and effective method for pain relief thus allowing you to live a full and active life.