Arm and Elbow Injuries

Elbow Dislocation or Dislocated Elbow

This Article Discusses About: Symptoms Causes Treatment Recovery Elbow dislocation is a condition where bones forming the forearm i.e. the radius and ulna, get displaced and are not in...

Radial Nerve Entrapment

This Article Discusses About: Symptoms Treatment The radial nerve supplies the upper limb. At the elbow joint, it divides into two branches namely the superficial radial nerve...

Triceps Strain or Strained Triceps: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

A triceps strain occurs when the Triceps Brachii muscle gets torn or ruptured. The Triceps Brachii muscle is a large muscle, which is located...

Ulnar Nerve Injury: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

This Article Discusses About: Causes Symptoms Treatment The ulnar nerve travels down the internal side of the elbow. Ulnar nerve injury or contusion caused by trauma to the...

Elbow Contusion or Bruised Elbow

This Article Discusses About: Causes Symptoms Treatment Recovery An elbow contusion is also known as bruised elbow. It is a condition where a person has injured the tissues overlying...

Elbow Support

This Article Discusses About: Tennis Elbow Brace or Epicondylitis Clasp Neoprene Elbow Supports Padded Elbow Supports Supports and braces are used in injuries to the joints, ligaments or...

Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis: Know the Causes, Types, Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery Time, Exercises

This Article Discusses About: Causes of Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis Types of Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis Symptoms of Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis Treatment for Tennis...

What is Thrower’s Elbow (Golfer’s Elbow)? Know Its Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options!

What is Thrower's Elbow? Thrower's Elbow which is also known as Golfer's elbow or medial epicondylitis is a condition where there is inflammation of the...

Students Elbow or Olecranon Bursitis: Its Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment Options!

This Article Discusses About: Symptoms Prevention Treatment Student’s elbow or olecranon bursitis (baker's elbow/swellbow/water on the elbow) is a condition where there is swelling, redness and inflammation of...

Axillary Nerve Injury or Axillary Neuropathy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment- EMG

This Article Discusses About: Symptoms Causes Treatment What is Axillary Nerve Injury or Axillary Neuropathy? The axillary nerve can be injured due to a direct trauma to the outer...
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