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Who Is At Risk For Celiac Disease & Is There A Blood Test For It?

Celiac disease affects nearly 3 million Americans and almost 80 percent of people who have the disease haven’t been left noticed. Being a hereditary disease, it tends to run in families.

Celiac disease (CD) occurrence has soared substantially in modern contemporary decades in certain developed countries. Nevertheless, there are no proven theories to justify the reason for this increase however researches believe that this increase is due to increased awareness and the most efficient diagnosis.

Who Is At Risk Of Celiac Disease?

Who Is At Risk Of Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is a major genetic autoimmune disorder that injures the villi of the small intestine and hinders with the assimilation of nutrients from the diet. This condition affects both men and women of all ages. People of any age or race can develop celiac disease. There are certain factors that can enhance your probability of developing celiac disease. 1.

Biological Relative With This Condition- Clinical studies show that 5-22% of people with celiac disease have an immediate family member (first-degree relative) who too suffers this disorder. In a nutshell, if you have a blood relative suffering from this condition, you have higher chances of acquiring the syndrome.

Celiac Disease Has A Higher Prevalence In Women- Celiac disease occurs more in women like other autoimmune conditions. Current statistics show that it is prevalent more in women than in men. About 60- 70% of celiac cases were found to be women and the majority of them were 40-60 years old. Although this is quite alarming, proper diagnosis and treatment will improve the condition. Initial analysis and identification of celiac disease are crucial because if left untreated the ailment can produce damaging consequences. One of the well-known effects is osteoporosis because as the women approach menopause, there are higher risks of fracture.

HLA-DQ2 And HLA-DQ8 Genes- A medical study was conducted to evaluate serologic and endoscopic data of 74 patients with celiac disease and 109 non-celiac to determine the prevalence of human leukocyte antigens DQ2 and DQ8. The research revealed 79,7% had only HLA DQ2; 8,1% had only HLA DQ8 and 10,8% had both antigens histocompatibility.2,3

But how do we determine whether we are suffering from this condition? Is there any blood test or other diagnostic methods available to identify the disorder?

Is There A Blood Test For Celiac Disease?

Is There A Blood Test For Celiac Disease?

Common Exams And Tests To Diagnose Celiac Disease

If a patient is suffering from celiac disease, their body produces two categories of antibody proteins immunoglobin A (an antibody that plays a crucial role in the immune function of mucous membranes) and immunoglobulin G(the most common type of antibody found in blood circulation).

People diagnosed with immunoglobin A have been tested negative for celiac disease. In order to rule out these cases, a bunch of tests is conducted to diagnose the presence of immunoglobin G. But who should take these tests?

  • Persons exhibiting celiac symptoms
  • Having a biological relative with celiac disease
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Have been already diagnosed with Celiac

Blood and Genetic Tests To Diagnose Celiac Disease

  • Two blood tests can help identify the condition
  • Serology Testing- Serologic tests look for three antibodies common in celiac disease.
  • Anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies
  • Endomysial antibodies
  • Deamidated gliadin peptide (DGP) antibodies
  • When the test detects tissue transglutaminase antibodies in your body, you are positive for celiac.

Genetic Testing- This test is for identifying human leukocyte antigens (HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8) to rule out celiac disease. Genetic testing accurately confirms whether you have a genetic susceptibility to celiac disorder. Several people taking this test follow a gluten-free diet but may not inevitably be celiac. 4. 5.

Most of the tests are enough to diagnose the condition however when the test results are uncertain, your GP may recommend for endoscopy.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 16, 2020

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