Does your urine appear frothy or slimy? It could be proteinuria. This occurs when kidneys are unable to filter protein, which then leaks out in the urine. Know what causes kidneys to leak protein and how to stop it.
Leakage of protein in urine via kidneys can not only change the appearance of urine but can also suggest presence of some chronic kidney disorder. Instead of ignoring it for long, get medical advice as early as possible to prevent worsening of the symptoms. But, before you visit the doctor, do understand about proteinuria and what can be done to cure it! Let us understand what causes kidneys to leak protein and ways to stop it.
What Causes Kidneys to Leak Protein?
Proteins are building blocks of life. Albumin is the main protein found in human blood. Proteins are responsible for a diverse range of functions, right from helping in cell and muscle growth to controlling fluid in blood; they also help in preventing infection and diseases.
We have a pair of kidneys in our body that act as blood filters. It is the function of the kidneys to let the nutrients and proteins pass while returning them back to the blood stream. However, in case of any malfunction of kidneys, some amount of protein could leak into urine leading to a condition called proteinuria. Thus, any disorder affecting the kidneys, causes kidneys to leak protein.
Protein can be released from the kidneys in large as well small quantities. Sometimes, it can even go unnoticed for a long period of time in the absence of symptoms. There can be many causes for protein leakage which can range from non-malignant to extremely lethal.
While, healthy kidneys are responsible for flushing out water and fluid from the blood making it clean to flow in the system, any kind of malfunction can pose problems in this task. Protein which should ideally be retained, gets leaked and comes out in urine in case of proteinuria.
Here are some of the commonest conditions that causes kidneys to leak protein:
- Dehydration
- Fever
- Hypertension
- Rigorous Workout or Strained Physical Activity
While these are some benign causes for proteinuria, there can be other reasons to for the same which can indicate presence of a disease associated with the kidneys.
Here are some of the more serious conditions that cause kidneys to leak protein:
- Infection in the kidneys
- High blood pressure
- Kidney failure
- Glomerulonephritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Heart Failure
- Complications of other conditions like diabetes, affecting the kidneys, as in diabetic nephropathy.
Before we understand about ways to stop proteinuria, it is important to know the risk factors that cause kidneys to leak protein and ways to recognize it.
While, this is a condition that can happen to any individual at any point of time some people may be at greater risk.
- People suffering from diabetes or low blood sugars
- Hypertension
- Kidney disorders
- Any case of proteinuria in the family
How to Stop Kidneys From Leaking Protein?
The first step to stop kidneys from leaking protein is to know the symptoms of it. Protein leak from kidneys is usually an indication of an underlying disease that needs to be diagnosed.
Leakage of large amounts of protein in the urine could be noticed with the following symptoms:
- Slummy, bubbling and frothy urine while using the toilet
- Body swelling around hands, feet, face and abdomen
- Sugar presence in urine in patients who have diabetes
- Weight gain due to fluid accumulation in the body
- Appetite gets reduced
- Protein supplements in blood are decreased. These include globulin and albumin.
While in most cases, proteinuria is detected with a urine examination done in patients suffering from high blood pressure or diabetes. If you notice the above symptoms, a urine examination if often advised for confirmation.
A urine examination would directly detect the presence of protein helping to identify proteinuria. The patient can get it done either at the doctor’s clinic or a pathology centre. The patient would be asked to give the urine sample in a specimen container which is used for diagnosis. While, some urine is tested right away using a dipstick, remaining is subjected to microscopic examination.
Here are some effective ways to stop the leakage of protein from kidneys. Know how to stop it and protect your health. It is important to understand that proteinuria is not a disease in itself, rather a symptom of an underlying disease.
When there is protein in urine, the underlying cause must be identified and properly diagnosed to begin the appropriate treatment. Whether its high blood pressure or diabetes, the cause simply needs to be treated to resolve proteinuria. The doctor on identification of the cause would prescribe specific medications to control the symptoms and also to treat the underlying cause.
If the condition is very mild, a simple change in diet and lifestyle may be recommended without any medications. Regular follow-up and monitoring may be advised to ensure the condition does not worsen. There are some home remedies, which many people effectively use with medical treatment to stop the leakage of protein from kidneys.
These are:
- Include more of fresh fruits and leafy vegetables into your diet for fiber intake.
- Protein rich sources such as beans, lenticels, legumes should be eaten.
If you are a non-vegetarian, eat more of fish. Avoid red meat as it is harder to break down. Go for white meat.
- Keep a check on your salt intake
- Increase your water intake as much as possible while avoiding consumption of aerated soda drinks.
- Manage your stress levels
- Onion and garlic can help. Include them in your diet.
- Manage your weight by doing some exercises especially if you are overweight.
Mayo Clinic. (2021). Protein in Urine (Proteinuria).
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