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What Does It Mean When A Child Has Protein In Their Urine?

Protein content in the urine is the indication that the child is suffering from an underlying cause. Attending to the situation is necessary to prevent the occurrence of kidney problems. Kidneys play a crucial role in the human system as a filter. It is requisite to keep it in good health to prevent the diseases that lead to the failure of the kidneys and causes infections to other organs in the body.

What Does It Mean When A Child Has Protein In Their Urine?

What Does It Mean When A Child Has Protein In Their Urine?

After the kidneys filter the waste and send it through urine, the fresh blood circulates back into the body. However, if a doctor notices the presence of the protein content in a child, then the kidneys are not functioning in the appropriate manner. Sometimes, infections or chemicals cause damage to the functionality of the kidneys in children, which leads to proteinuria.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms explained by the child, the doctor will proceed with dipstick color test. The physician will dip the paper strip in the child’s urine sample and know about the protein content levels. If the value is low, then it is due to benign, which is a harmless condition. In addition to this, doctor can perform other tests to confirm the situation. Based on this, the diagnosis can contain a 24-hour monitoring activity, where the lab technician will collect the overall output of the urine and check for the protein content. If the value is high when compared with the standards, the case turns out to be severe and requires immediate medical attention to prevent further damage to the functioning of kidneys.


If the child shows protein content in the urine, then depending on the value, the doctor will opt for the right treatment. As part of the routine activity, the doctor will ask the child to receive the diagnosis after a few months to check for the stability and improvement. If there is no change in the value, then the physician will refer to a nephrologist, who is a specialist in dealing with problems pertaining to the kidneys. The nephrologist will begin the diagnosis with a biopsy. By carrying out the process, the doctor can find the reason for the occurrence and offer the needed treatment to bring down the value or increase to the required amount.

Irrespective of the reason for the cause of high or low protein content in the urine of your child, you can do a few things to avoid such a situation. The first thing that you can do is to reduce the intake of salt. Use of prescribed medicines for inflammation will be helpful in reducing the swelling of the kidneys. It will further assist in lowering the presence of protein content in the urine. It is crucial to follow the instructions of the doctor during the treatment period to ensure that the medicines are working correctly.

The procedure changes from one child to another and the doctor will keep on monitoring during the entire process. It will ensure that the progress is on the right track and providing the required results. If there is no change, the nephrologist will carry out the necessary changes to the medicines as well as refer to a dietician who will control the level of nutrients, phosphorus, potassium, and other essential ingredients that are responsible for maintaining neutrality in the human system.

The entire process will make sure that the protein content in the body is within the limit and will not affect the functionality of the kidneys in removing the impurities.


  1. “Proteinuria (Protein in Urine) in Children” – Information on proteinuria in children from Stanford Children’s Health.
  2. “Protein in Urine (Proteinuria)” – Learn about proteinuria and its implications for kidney health on Cleveland Clinic.
  3. “Pediatric Kidney Disease” – Find resources on kidney diseases in children from the American Kidney Fund.
  4. “Proteinuria in Children: Evaluation and Differential Diagnosis” – A review of proteinuria evaluation and diagnosis in children by the National Institutes of Health.
  5. “Proteinuria (Protein in Urine) in Children” – Mayo Clinic provides an overview of proteinuria in pediatric patients.
  6. “Nephrology (Kidney) Services for Children” – Information on pediatric nephrology services from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
  7. “Children and Kidney Disease” – The National Kidney Foundation offers insights into kidney disease in children.
  8. “Kidney Disease in Children” – Explore kidney disease information specific to children on MedlinePlus.
  9. “Proteinuria: Diagnosis and Treatment” – Information on diagnosing and treating proteinuria from Healthline.
  10. “Kidney Health for Kids” – Kidney Health Australia provides resources and tips for maintaining kidney health in children.
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 26, 2023

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