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What Can You Do About Low Kidney Function?

Kidneys have major role in the proper function of a human body by not only filtration of the blood and elimination of waste products, but also via balancing of body’s electrolyte levels, controlling of blood pressure and stimulation in the red blood cells production. Kidneys are present in the back portion of one’s abdomen and on sides of a spine. These organs receive blood supply via renal arteries directly via aorta and send the blood back towards heart from renal veins to vena cava.

What Can You Do About Low Kidney Function?

What Can You Do About Low Kidney Function?

Low kidney function or kidney failure may take place because of any acute situation, which causes injury to the kidneys or from any chronic disease, which gradually causes kidneys to stop or slow their functions. In case of acute renal failure, loss of kidney function takes place rapidly and may take place from various other problems in the body. It is important to first find out that you are having a low kidney function and then get the treatment for the underlying condition. That is the only thing you can do about low kidney function.

How to Identify Low Kidney Function/Kidney Failure?

When regular functions performed by kidneys reduce, individuals may experience symptoms related to the inability of regulating electrolyte and water balances, clearing of waste products from body and promotion of the production of red blood cells. Particularly, you may come across any or combination of the following symptoms-

Fatigue or Feeling of Tiredness all the Time during Day and Night

Healthy kidneys create erythropoietin hormone, which orders the body to produce oxygen supplying red blood cells. However, when kidney failure takes place, the body creates EPO in lesser amount. With less numbers of red blood cells for carrying oxygen, brain and muscles tire very soon leading to tiredness feelings or fatigue.

Breathing Shortness

Breathing shortness problem has a close relationship with kidneys in two different ways. Firstly, kidney failure or low function of kidneys leads to formation of extra fluid within the lungs. Secondly, shortage of red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen i.e. anemia problem leaves the body starving for oxygen supply and thereby, cause breathing shortness.

Dizziness, Weakness or Feeling of Faint

Anemia problem caused from low function of kidneys indicate that the brain fails to get adequate oxygen. This results in the feeling of faint, weakness or dizziness.

Itchy Feeling

Kidney is responsible for the removal of waste products from the bloodstream of human beings. On the other side, poor function of kidneys leads to build-up of various wastes in the blood and thereby, results in severe itching.

Swelling in the Feet and Hands

Poor function of kidneys or kidney failure problem does not able to remove additional fluid, which form within the body resulting in the swelling of the ankles, legs, hands and feet.

Foods Tasting like Any Metal and Bad Breath

Wastes build-up within the blood referred commonly as uremia make taste of the food different and lead to bad breath. Even you may notice that you stop preferring to eat non-vegetarian dishes or lose weight, as you do not feel like eating.

Vomiting, Nausea and Upset Stomach

Severe build-up of uremia i.e. wastes in patients’ blood may cause vomiting, upset stomach and nausea.

Changes in Urination and Urine Color

When reduction in kidney functions takes place, a person may urinate for less or more numbers of times in a day than usual. Moreover, a few people may urinate 2 to 3 times during nighttime. In addition, patients may feel pressure at the time of urination. Furthermore, you may identify low function of your kidney in case you observe pale, bubbly or foamy urine. This takes place because of abnormal higher amount of protein released in the form of urine. Other than this, in some cases, you may find urine in dark color or contain blood.


  1. “How Your Kidneys Work” – National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases provides an overview of kidney function.
  2. “Chronic Kidney Disease Stages” – Information on the stages of chronic kidney disease from the National Kidney Foundation.
  3. “Kidney Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment” – WebMD’s comprehensive guide to kidney disease.
  4. “Kidney Disease Basics” – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers information on kidney disease.
  5. “Symptoms of Kidney Disease” – Mayo Clinic’s resource on common signs of kidney disease.
  6. “Acute Kidney Injury” – Explore the causes and management of acute kidney injury on MedlinePlus.
  7. “Chronic Kidney Disease and Anemia” – The American Kidney Fund explains the connection between kidney function and anemia.
  8. “Uremia” – Read about uremia, a condition associated with kidney dysfunction, on Healthline.
  9. “Swollen Ankles and Feet (Edema)” – Find out more about edema, a symptom of kidney problems, from Cleveland Clinic.
  10. “Understanding Urea and Creatinine” – Information on urea and creatinine levels in kidney health on Patient.info.
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 26, 2023

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