There have been multiple research and studies conducted as to the prevalence of gastritis around the world. These studies opine that while there has been a decline in the cases of gastritis the chronic form of this condition still remains to be a serious issue and has resulted in taking lives of many people around the world. The killing potency of chronic gastritis is second to only peptic ulcer and gastric cancer when it comes to gastrointestinal conditions[1].
It has also been estimated that around 50% of people around the world may have gastritis. The primary cause of gastritis is still believed to be H. Pylori infection incurred as a child. The aggressiveness of the inflammation that is seen in gastritis causes gradual destruction of the stomach mucosa leading to life threatening complications[1].
In cases of atrophic gastritis, the condition causes a completely acid free stomach which is a precursor for gastric cancer. Additionally, atrophic form of gastritis also results in the body not being able to absorb vitamins like B12, nutrients like iron and calcium, food, and even medications[1].
While there have been significant advancements made for management of gastritis, it is still considered to be one of the most studied and researched medical conditions around the world. However, there are certain home remedies which have beneficial effects on the overall management of the condition. This article gives a brief overview of some of the best ways to manage gastritis at home[1].
Best Way to Manage Gastritis
It should be noted that it is not necessary that the below mentioned remedies may benefit everyone who tries it. The results may differ from individual to individual based on their body structure and genetic makeup. Thus it is recommended to consult with a physician and inform about the home remedies adhered to manage gastritis. Some of the most popular home remedies to manage gastritis are[2]:
Antiinflammatory Diet: Gastritis is an inflammatory disorder and thus being on a diet which does not worsen inflammation is the key to manage gastritis. However, research is still ongoing as to whether consuming a noninflammatory diet can prevent a condition like gastritis[2].
It is also essential to keep a food diary. This allows people to identify the foods that worsen the symptoms warning them to stay away from them. The foods which tend to worsen inflammation include gluten, spicy and hot foods, dairy products, processed foods, foods high on sugar content, and alcohol. Foods made in olive oil are good for the stomach. Additionally foods like broccoli are also beneficial for people with gastritis[2].
Garlic Extract: Some studies conducted believe that garlic extract is a good way to reduce the symptoms of gastritis. Eating raw garlic is also an excellent way to relieve the symptoms of gastritis. If an individual does not like how garlic tastes then he or she may mix it in peanut butter or normal food. It not only makes food delicious but keeps the inflammation under control[2].
Probiotics: They are excellent in aiding in digestion and promote regular bowel movements. They also have good bacteria in them which are good for the stomach and control the inflammation caused by gastritis[2].
Thus foods that contain gastritis are excellent in reliving the symptoms of gastritis. Some of the foods high on probiotics include yogurt and kefir. Adding them into the daily diet routine can help a lot in people with gastritis[2].
Green Tea: This is also believed one of the most effective ways to manage gastritis. Green tea when taken with Manuka Honey significantly decreases the effects of H. Pylori infection and thus decreases the inflammation in the stomach mucosa. Thus it is recommended for gastritis patients to drink at least one cup of green tea mixed with Manuka Honey to decrease the symptoms of gastritis[2].
Smoking Abstinence and Painkiller Overuse: Nicotine not only damages the lungs but also is extremely dangerous to the stomach increasing the risk of gastric cancer.
Similarly, overuse of pain killers also has a tendency to damage the stomach lining and worsen the symptoms of gastritis[2].
Stress Management: Stress plays a major role in worsening the inflammation in the gastric mucosa worsening the symptoms of gastritis. Thus it is recommended that coping with stress in a healthful manner is a must to relieve the symptoms of gastritis. Meditation, yoga, and biofeedback techniques all are excellent ways to manage stress and thereby manage symptoms of gastritis[2].
In conclusion, gastritis is a must researched topic for decades although its prevalence has declined as more and more treatments have come up to manage it. However, chronic and atrophic gastritis still remain second to only gastric cancer when it comes to life threatening gastrointestinal conditions[2].
Managing gastritis therapeutically is quite easy with medications that keep the inflammation under control. However, there are also some home remedies which can be tried along with medical intervention which can further help a patient with gastritis[2].
It should however be noted that before trying out any home remedy a consultation with a physician is a must as the effectiveness of home remedies may not be the same for different people[2].
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