A pattern of use of alcohol that takes over a person’s life is usually known as an alcohol use disorder, which generally includes alcoholism. Alcoholism is a state of mind where the individual always has a problem to control his drinking activity. These individuals are always preoccupied with how they will get the next drink and keep on ingesting alcohol, even though it is affecting the person’s like and the life of their loved ones. So; “Is alcoholism a disease?” Well! Let us know about the same in the following array of the article. Hope this would be a beneficial read for you, if you or any of your loved ones is into alcoholism.
Is Alcoholism A Disease?
Alcoholism can be defined as a condition in which an individual is genetically predisposed to alcoholism or drinks alcohol in abundant quantities for a significant period of time. Some people, who are completely predisposed to alcoholism, are alcoholic from the first drink. However, others who may be only slightly predisposed, may have to drink a certain period of time for turning into an alcoholic. In case of alcoholism, the affected person may experience low self esteem, shame and lack of self worth.
Alcoholism is a chemical or biological disease, that is primary, progressive, chronic and fatal. Alcoholism is characterized by an obsession to drink that makes it impossible to predict when we will begin drinking, and an allergy to alcohol, which makes it impossible to predict when we will stop drinking alcohol.
Alcoholism Is A Chemical Disease:
Alcoholism is a chemical disease as it breaks down differently in the stomach and it has an entirely different effect on the brain of the alcoholic, than in the brain of the non-alcoholic individuals
Alcoholism Is A Biological Disease:
Alcoholism is also a biological disease in the sense that the chemical predisposition is inherited. It has been found from identical twin studies of long standing that identical twins who are separated at birth will tend to both, be alcoholic or non-alcoholic, regardless of their environmental upbringing.
Alcoholism Is A Primary Disease:
It is a primary disease, because it is not the result of any other disease. Alcoholism has its own diagnosis, and its own pathology. Alcoholism does not depend on the existence of another disease for its presence. However, it is a causative factor in other diseases. Alcoholism is destructive to the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, and almost every other body organ. There is a weakened condition of these organs because of alcoholism, and this weaken condition can reduce resistance to numerous diseases.
Alcoholism Is A Progressive Disease:
Alcoholism is a progressive disease. It is progressive, because it always gets worse over any considered period of time. It means that we can predict with a great deal of accuracy, the onset of several symptoms of alcoholism, such as Blackouts, blaming, and Euphoric recall. Moreover, the disease of alcoholism seems to progress, whether the alcoholic continues to drink or not. While the allergy to alcohol continues to progress, the cessation of drinking can stop the destruction of the organs of the person’s body.
In most cases, the offended organs can begin to restore themselves. However, liver is one exception. This must be noted that once Cirrhosis has set in the liver, it can never restore itself. Though it will not continue to get worse because of alcoholism, it will neither heal by itself.
Alcoholism Is Chronic And Fatal Disease:
Alcoholism is also considered to be a chronic and fatal disease. It is chronic because it never stops on its own accord. It just keeps coming back. Alcoholism is fatal too. Alcoholics die about 12 years prior to the non-alcoholics.
So, now we know that alcoholism is a chronic, progressive disease and an alcoholic do require help and proper treatments to recover. Irrespective of where you are in your struggle with alcohol, recovery is always possible through proper treatment. Some social support along with professional support is essential to recover from alcoholism.
There are various therapies which along with medications can help an individual abstain from drinking alcohol but the individual on his part needs to be tough and have the willpower to stop drinking for a better life.
Also Read:
- Alcohol Detoxification Program
- Alcohol Induced Hepatitis or Alcohol Hepatitis: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors,Treatment
- Is Alcohol Good or Bad for Your Health?
- Alcohol Withdrawal Seizures: Causes, Symptoms, First Aid, Treatment, Prevention
- What is Alcoholic Neuropathy & Can it be Reversed?
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- What is Alcohol Poisoning, Know its Causes, Symptoms, Treatment