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Cedar Fever : Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is Cedar Fever?

Cedar fever is a seasonal allergy that occurs from the pollens of the cedar tree. These pollens cause an inflammatory response in the body. On inhaling cedar pollen, the substance in it triggers an immune response.

The cedar pollens in themselves are harmless, but the immune system generates an inflammatory response when it sees them as dangerous intruders.

Cedar fever is a low-grade fever that results from exposure to a mountain cedar tree in susceptible individuals.

Cedar trees are of different types but mountain cedar or Juniperus ashei is the main type causing the allergy. Mountain cedar is an evergreen tree that has strong resistance to drought. Its pollens are known to create yellow and orange clouds around the trees.

Causes of Cedar Fever

Mountain cedar produces a pollen-containing allergen called Jun a 1, which is a type of glycoprotein. It influences the immune system. The arrangement of the molecular structure of pollen slows down the enzyme activity, making it a powerful antigen. This makes a person’s immune system react strongly against pollen.

Mountain cedar tree produces a vast amount of pollen. They are so dense that they resemble smoke.

Due to the airborne nature of allergens, it is difficult to avoid allergies, living in regions of mountain cedar trees. These allergens enter the body through the airway and pass through the mucous membrane.

Symptoms of Cedar Fever

The tree of mountain cedar in the United States pollinates in winter between December and January.(1)

Symptoms of cedar fever may vary in severity, but the signs of allergy include:(2)

Rarely, but symptoms of mountain cedar allergy can affect the skin as well. There have been cases of allergy, causing the following conditions:

Treatment of Cedar Fever

The main treatment for cedar fever include:

  • Medication
  • Allergy shots
  • Avoiding the allergen

Avoiding the exposure can be challenging for people living in the region with these trees. Each tree produces 1 billion grains of pollen.

It also gets difficult for a person to avoid pollen, when the pollens get into the air. However, there are methods that can be helpful in reducing the entry of pollens into the home:

  • Opening the doors and window only when necessary
  • Vacuuming regularly
  • Removing shoes and clothing when entering the house
  • Washing before going to sleep to remove pollen from hair
  • Installing high-efficiency particulate air filters

Different types of antihistamines are used as medications. They target specific symptoms in people.

Allergy shots are also given as an effective treatment for cedar fever. It is given in small doses to build up tolerance in people.

When to Contact Doctor?

If someone is confused, about whether they are suffering from cedar fever, they should speak with a doctor.

The doctor recommends allergy testing.

Also, those with severe allergic reactions should seek medical attention immediately. If appropriate treatment is not received anaphylactic shock may occur.

In cedar fever, severe allergic reactions are very rare though.

Cedar fever is an allergic reaction to the pollen of a cedar tree. These trees mostly pollinate in winter months. The allergies of cedar fever can be managed by allergy shots. A healthcare professional can be consulted for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 12, 2023

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