Allergies are characterized by symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, facial swelling and hives that are brought on by allergens or in other words allergy triggers. Allergens are of various kinds and while some people may have peanut allergies or seafood allergies; other individuals may be allergic to environmental factors like mold and pollen.
Allergic reactions to certain foods can be easily avoided as eliminating foods that cause allergies from one’s diet is a simple solution to avoid food allergy. On the other hand; avoiding allergic reactions to environmental triggers may not be as simple and may require extra care and caution. This article aims to shed light on the subject of avoiding outdoor triggers for allergies for those that are negatively impacted by environmental allergens like mold and pollen. Read further to know more.
Symptoms of Outdoor Allergies
Before going in to suggestions aimed at avoiding outdoor allergies; it is important to understand the nature and symptoms of outdoors allergies. Outdoor allergies primarily fall into the broad spectrum of Allergic Rhinitis, which refers to any allergic reaction that affects the respiratory system and results in a runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing and breathing difficulties.
Ways to Avoid Outdoor Triggers of Allergies
As mentioned before; extra caution and care should be taken to combat outdoor allergy triggers that result in Allergic Rhinitis and suggestions to do just that are as detailed below.
Avoiding Pollen Allergies
Unlike most other living beings; trees and plants are immobile; and as such do not move around to mate and reproduce. In such circumstances tree and plants disperse pollen into the air to carry out the reproduction process. Generally; pollen cannot be considered a pollutant that is harmful for the respiratory system; however, pollen can prove to be an environmental allergy trigger in many people by causing Allergic Rhinitis. People susceptible to pollen allergies should avoid exposure to pollen at all times; while indoors and outdoors and the suggestions listed below are sure to help to avoid outdoor triggers for allergies.
Keep Track of Pollen Counts: The weather report on TV or a weather reporting app is a great way to keep track of pollen counts as an outdoor allergy trigger and subsequently avoiding the outdoors when pollen counts are at the highest levels. If you do not have access to such an app or your local TV station doesn’t include pollen counts in their regular weather report; understand that pollen counts go up as you progress with the day. Pollen counts are its lowest right after sunrise and are recorded in the highest numbers during the afternoon. In this way you can avoid the outdoor triggers for allergies.
Do Not Let Pollen Indoors: During pollen season, which is spring time and early summer; trees and plants freely disperse pollen, as they remain busy with their reproductive functions. On a windy day; pollen will find its way indoors through open doors and windows; and while you might avoid the outdoors; you might still be vulnerable to a pollen allergy. The obvious way to prevent pollen from getting indoors is to keep doors and windows shut on a windy day.
Maintain Your Lawn: Mowing your lawn before the grass gets too tall and tends to disperse pollen is one way to enjoy the outdoors on your property without exposing yourself to pollen allergies.
Avoid Flowering Plants: Flowering plants largely contribute to pollen counts and though they are great for landscaping and decorative purposes; it is best not to grow them on your property to avoid pollen allergies triggers. There is no dearth of ornamental plants that do not disperse pollen into the air as much as flowering plants do.
Invest in a Breathing Mask: If you must be outdoors at all parts of the day, leaving you vulnerable to pollen allergies; invest in a breathing mask that is designed to filter fine pollen and prevent the outdoor allergy triggers from reaching you.
Avoiding Mold Allergies
The misunderstanding that mold is an indoor phenomenon is quite common; however, it isn’t an idea to live by if you are looking to avoid outdoor allergy triggers. Mold is known to produce spores that are dispersed by air; both indoors and outdoors; hence on a windy or rainy day; you are vulnerable to mold allergies. Detailed below are few effective ways to avoid mold allergies.
Avoid the Outdoors on Certain Days: When it is rainy or windy; mold spores are working overtime being dispersed in the air. Avoid the outdoors on these days if you are susceptible to mold allergies.
Avoid Outdoor Mold Exposure: Gardening and raking leaves is most likely to expose you to mold spores. If you are vulnerable to mold allergies; then these gardening activities are an outdoor allergy triggers for you and should be avoided.
Maintain Clean Surroundings: Heaps of leaves, compost heaps and grass clippings are a hotbed for mold formation and if you are vulnerable to mold allergies; and avoid these outdoor allergy triggers then you must ensure clean surroundings by eliminating all of the above.
In conclusion; it is easy to see how extra caution and care can easily eliminate the outdoor triggers for allergies; particularly Allergic Rhinitis. Mold and pollen are the primary culprits for Allergic Rhinitis and the suggestions listed above can definitely help an individual who is vulnerable to mold and pollen allergies.