Back Pain- The most annoying and distressing pain that one can experience. Back pains can at times be quite disabling. If one suffers from back pain, his capacity to perform activities get severely limited and one may not be able to work properly whether it be household chores or tasks related to work. There are several diseases, which may cause back pain. One such condition is Intraspinal Abscess.
Epidural abscess or purulent meningitis is known as intraspinal abscess. Epidural abscess is the collection of purulent discharge or pus in epidural space. Epidural abscess may spread through spinal foramina into the retroperitoneal tissue. Purulent discharge caused by meningitis spreads through the cerebrospinal fluid. Symptoms caused by epidural abscess are mostly focal depending on location of abscess in vertebral column. Purulent cerebrospinal diseases symptoms are wide spread along the vertebral column.(1)
How Do We Define Intraspinal Abscess?
To understand Intraspinal Abscess, one should first know what does an Abscess means. An abscess is a hollow space in the body that is filled with pus and surrounded by inflamed tissue. Abscesses can be potentially serious and may result in formation of gangrene or result in permanent damage to an organ if they are not identified and treated appropriately.
Intraspinal Abscess is a collection of pus and infectious material in the spine. The most common cause of Intraspinal Abscess is the spread of an infection through blood or the spread of an infection from an adjoining infection. It can also be formed as a result of an injury resulting in injection of bacteria into the spine. Intraspinal Abscess may also occur after some sort of surgical procedure done to the spine.
Causes of Intraspinal Abscess
The formation of an abscess is due to a bacterial infection, parasitic infection, or presence of a foreign body which can develop in many places in the body. The bacteria that generally causes Intraspinal Abscess is Staphylococcus Aureus.
Symptoms Of Intraspinal Abscess
Some Of The Symptoms Which One Has To Look For In Intraspinal Abscess Are:
- Back pain(2)
- Neck pain
- Weakness
- Numbness
- Fever(2)
- Redness of skin
Diagnosing Intraspinal Abscess
To confirm a diagnosis of Intraspinal Abscess, a detailed history and physical exam is performed. The physician may also do radiological studies like a CT or an MRI scan of the spine to confirm the diagnosis. The fluid collected from the abscess may be sent for culture.
Some Of The Tests That Are Performed To Confirm Intraspinal Abscess Are:
- Blood culture
- Culture of abscess fluid.
Treatment For Intraspinal Abscess
Generally, Intraspinal Abscess is treated successfully with the use of intravenous antibiotics. Sometimes, a surgical procedure may be required in order to drain the infection from the spine to treat Intraspinal Abscess.