Bones not only give the body its structure, but also make it rigid, help it stay erect and support its movement.1 Bones also protect the internal organs from external damage. For example, the skull guards the cerebrum, while the ribs shield the heart, lungs and liver. Further, bones also produce red platelets, which carry proteins and oxygen to tissues in the body, and white platelets which help fight infections and contaminations. Wish to know your bones better? Following are some myths and facts about your bones:
Common Myths About Bones
Colas And Soft Drinks Break The Bone
Since ages, soft drinks have been blamed for causing weakening and breaking of bones. However, studies have shown that the phosphorus and caffeine in colas can weaken, but not break the bones. The carbonation in sodas doesn’t hurt the bones, but this doesn’t mean that colas are healthy. One should instead opt for drinks like fortified orange juice and milk, which provide the bones with extra dose of calcium that help to strengthen the bones.
The Funny Bone Is An Actual Bone
Unlike its name, funny bone is actually not a bone. It is a nerve, which runs down the upper arm to inside of the elbow. It is because of this nerve that people experience a strange type of sensation or pain when they hit their elbow in a particular spot.
All The Bones In The Body Are Inter-Connected
Contrary to what most believe, not each bone in the body are connected with the others. The U-molded bone at the base of the tongue is only bone in the body which isn’t connected to any other bone.
Fingers Contain The Smallest Bone In The Body
No, the smallest bone of the body is not in the fingers. The stirrup is a little bone behind the eardrum which is the tiniest of all bones. It is only 2.5 to 3.3 mm long, which is slightly bigger than a fruit fly. The longest bone in the body happens to be the femur, which starts from the pelvis and goes up till the knee.
Some Interesting Facts About Your Bones
Babies Have More Bones Than Adults
A newborn has around 300 bones. As the child grows and develops, some of their bones fuse. Certain bones in the newborn are formed of delicate, adaptable tissues known as ligaments, which gradually get replaced by hard bones as the baby grows. For this reason, adults just have 206 bones.
Bones Stop Growth During Youth Years
Bones stop growing in the late 20s. Bone development stalls when one becomes a fully grown up adult. As one grows older, their bones start to lose their thickness, become more slender and break more easily. One can keep their bones healthy by taking optimal amounts of calcium and vitamin D, and by doing regular weight bearing activities like jogging, walking etc.
Collar Bone Is Most Prone To Fractures
Collar bone, also known as Clavicle, tops the list of bones prone to breaks and fractures. This bone can get fractured easily when one falls on their hand or arm, or gets hit in the shoulder. Fractures are also common in the hands and arms, because they are used frequently to stop a fall.
Smoking Is Bad For The Bones
Cigarettes not only harm the lungs and heart, but are also terrible for the bones. Cigarettes contain nicotine and other harmful chemicals which decrease the levels of vitamin D in the body and also make it difficult for the body to absorb calcium efficiently. It is advisable to quit smoking for ensuring good bone and overall health.2
Also Read:
- Broken Tailbone or Coccyx Fracture: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment- MRI, Pain Killers
- Bone Cancer: Types, Stages, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment- Surgery, Radiation, Chemotherapy
- Paget’s Disease of the Bone: Causes, Facts, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis
- Bone Spurs or Osteophytes- Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
- Neck Bone Spurs or Cervical Osteophytes: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
- Secondary Bone Cancer: A Cause For Pathologic Fracture