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Can You Be Cured Of Mild Cognitive Impairment?

Mild cognitive impairment is a condition that leads to a noticeable and measurable reduction in the thinking skills and memory of a person. It is associated with a high risk of developing neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and others. It does not seriously impact on one’s daily routine and independent function. It develops in old people above the age of 65 years.[1] It can be cured by adopting a healthy version of lifestyle that includes eating habits, sleep patterns, etc. medications, exercises, and cognitive training.

Can You Be Cured Of Mild Cognitive Impairment?

Can You Be Cured Of Mild Cognitive Impairment?

Mild cognitive impairment can be cured. They cannot be treated by a single method of treatment. A single method does not have a guarantee for complete recovery and relapse. It depends on the cause behind its appearance. Some get cleared off on their own and do not need treatment.

The main aim of treatment in such cases is to rehabilitate and management of their symptoms.[2] FDA (Food and Drug Administration) have not approved any specific medicine or treatment for mild cognitive impairment. Physicians may use cholinesterase inhibitors (usually used for Alzheimer’s disease) to treat memory loss. Treating the cause of mild cognitive impairment can cure mild cognitive impairment for example if high blood pressure is kept in control, it can treat mild cognitive impairment.[3]

According to Alzheimer’s Association, lifestyle changes affect mild cognitive impairment the most and slow down its possible progress to dementia. Lifestyle changes can even reverse the case. These lifestyle changes that must be adopted are-

  • Regular exercises
  • Cessation of smoking to enhance cardiovascular health
  • Introduction of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, low-fat products, whole grains, and cereals
  • Active participation in memory boosting activities, social and physical activities.[4]

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a condition marked by problems related to memory and thinking. It lies in between normal decline of cognitive behavior during aging and dementia and Alzheimer disease. It affects old above 65 years. Alzheimer’s Association states that 10-20% of this age group has mild cognitive impairment.[5]

Mild cognitive impairment leads to impairments of one’s memory, language, thinking and judgment more than age-related changes. These changes are noticed by the affected person himself, his family and close friends. These changes are not strong enough to influence one’s daily routine and usual activities.

Symptoms Of Mild Cognitive Impairment

There are some changes in the behavior of a person with mild cognitive impairment that are noticeable to the patient himself, his family members and his close friends. These changes are-

  • Forgets important dates, details, events, location, even names.
  • Misses words while speaking in the middle of the conversation.
  • Keeps things in one place, searches them in another.
  • Always anxious about trifle matters.
  • Does not understand instructions and seek the help of others to respond to an instruction.
  • Thoughts are wandering; cannot focus on a single thing at a time.
  • Cannot plan his work with good judgment.[6]

Diagnosis Of Mild Cognitive Impairment

Alzheimer’s Association has set guidelines to diagnose mild cognitive impairment. It involves seven core areas. Diagnosis is made by following assessments that include-

  • Medical history, family history of neurological disorders especially dementia and any type of disease or medicines that had resulted in cognitive dysfunction
  • Assessment of one’s ability for an independent function
  • Tests related to mental status
  • Assessment of observation of people around the affected person
  • Neurological examination by the physician that involve reflexes, eye movements, walking, and the balance of the body
  • Assessment of mood and behavior to rule out mental illness like schizophrenia, major depression or dementia
  • A blood test that involve vitamin B12 deficiency or hypothyroidism
  • MRI and CT scan to check out a brain tumor, stroke, etc.[7]


Mild cognitive impairment is a condition in which there is a gradual loss of memory and thinking abilities faster than normal aging process. It is not a serious issue, but it should not be ignored. It can be cured by a number of treatment options according to their causes.


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 23, 2022

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