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Coping Methods For Cervical Spondylosis & What Causes Its Flare-Up?

Cervical spondylosis is a common term associated with wear and tear related to age and it affects the spinal disks present in the neck. Since the disks dehydrate as well as shrink, signs related to spondylosis often develop to cause bony projections across the bones’ edges.

Experts refer to this as bone spurs. The problem of cervical spondylosis is a common one and becomes worse with age. Approximately 85percent of elderly people i.e. more than 60years suffer from the problem of cervical spondylosis.

Many people do not experience any symptoms related to the problem. However, whenever symptoms take place, one can get effective results with nonsurgical treatment procedures.(1)

Coping Methods For Cervical Spondylosis

If you are experiencing the condition of cervical spondylosis and its underlying symptoms in a mild form, you should choose to try the following things at your home for the treatment.

Over The Counter Pain Reliever: You should intake any of the over-the-counter types of pain relievers available in the market. These include acetaminophen, naproxen sodium, and any type of NSAID i.e. non-steroidal inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen.

Cold Pack Or Heating Pad: You should use a cold pack or heating pad on the neck to get relieved from your pain or overcome your sore muscles.

Soft Collar Or Soft Neck Brace: You should wear a soft neck brace or a soft collar to get relief temporarily. However, you should avoid wearing it for a long time, as it may weaken your neck muscles.

Regular Exercise: Doing regular exercise may help you to manage your symptoms and recover your cervical spondylosis condition at a fast rate. You may manage your neck pain easily even when you modify a few of the exercises temporarily. Especially, people choose to walk daily remain at less possible risk to experience low back and neck pain.(2)

What Causes Cervical Spondylosis Flare-Up?

Pain in your neck may spread to the base area of your skull and shoulders, while the neck movement may make your pain worse. The pain associated with cervical spondylosis in some cases spreads downward towards the arm, hands, and fingers.

Moreover, the pain may take place because of the nerve’s irritation, while it goes to arms from the neck’s spinal cord and sometimes, cause a flare-up of cervical spondylosis. In this condition, pain may come and go with cervical spondylosis flare-ups with time.

You may experience flare-up related to cervical spondylosis pain after you use the neck in an unaccustomed way or if you sprain a ligament or neck muscle. However, in other conditions, cervical spondylosis flare-up may develop without any strong reason and a few people experience persistent or chronic pain.(3)

Symptoms Of Cervical Spondylosis

Many people suffering from cervical spondylosis do not experience any symptoms. However, when symptoms take place, they mainly involve neck pain and stiffness.

Besides, cervical spondylosis leads to narrowing of the space required by the nerve roots and spinal cords, which pass from the spine to other areas of the body. In the case of pinching your nerve roots or spinal cord, you may suffer from-

  • Numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hands, arms, feet, and legs
  • Lack of proper coordination and difficulty in walking
  • Loss of bowel and bladder control.(1)


You may follow a large number of methods to cope up with your condition related to cervical spondylosis especially if you have it in its mild form. However, in severe form, you may experience the problem of cervical spondylosis flare-ups associated with severe pain.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 31, 2020

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