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Chest Pain Information Center

What Does Dilated Breast Duct Mean?

What Does Dilated Breast Duct Mean? Dilated breast duct is another term used for mammary duct ectasia. In dilated breast duct condition, the breast ducts...

What Does Mammary Duct Ectasia Feel Like?

Mammary duct ectasia is a benign condition characterized by clogging of milk-carrying ducts near the nipple. The ducts become blocked due to the filling...

Risk Factors For Mammary Duct Ectasia

Mammary duct ectasia is a condition which is marked by the clogging of the milk ducts around the nipple due to a thick sticky...

Is Mammary Duct Ectasia Dangerous?

Mammary duct ectasia is a benign condition in which milk ducts under the nipples become filled with the fluid and thickened. Sometimes, the ducts...

Can Indigestion Cause Chest Pain & How To Quickly Get Rid Of It?

A person having chest pain often wonders if it is a heart attack or heartburn. Heart attack and heartburn are two different things and...

When To Go The ER For Chest Pain?

Chest pain can occur due to various medical reasons that include both minor and serious disease. So, when should one go to the ER...

Which Chest Diseases or Illnesses Causes Pain Under Left Rib Cage?

Left side chest pain in most cases is considered as heart pain. Heart pain is caused by inadequate blood flow to heart muscles. In...

Pain Under Left Rib Cage & Abdominal Diseases: Causes, Treatment, Diagnosis

Causes of Pain Under Left Rib Cage & Abdominal Diseases Esophagitis Gastritis Gastric Ulcer Acid Reflux or GERD Gas in Colon (Splenic Flexure Syndrome) Spleen Irritation Irritable bowel syndrome, Post-surgical Adhesions and Food...

What Causes Cyclical or Menstrual Breast Pain?

Breast pain is known as mastalgia. Mastalgia or breast pain are divided into menstrual or non-menstrual breast pain. What Is Cyclical Or Menstrual Shooting Breast...

What Are Common Non-Cardiac Causes Of Chest Pain?

Chest pain creates a lot of suspicion about the presence of cardiac disorder. Other than the cardiac causes, various non-cardiac causes result in chest...
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