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Products That Harm The Baby’s Health

There are many common household items which contain hazardous substances. These substances interfere with the body’s hormones and may pose a problem for not only the adults but also for babies. Providing a safe environment is important for babies. They mostly take in chemical by either eating or breathing them. The chemical particles that land on the floor dust end up in the baby’s mouth. One should be educated to know how to prevent their exposure and what things should be avoided as they can actually prove to be very harmful.

Products That Harm The Baby’s Health

Products That Harm The Baby’s Health

  1. Pesticides

    Pesticides are the chemicals used to kill the bugs and have been linked with immune problems, cancer, and nervous system damage. A study showed that even low level of pesticide exposure is linked with the neurological and behavioral problem in children.(1) If having a bug problem, natural pest control or sticky traps should be used instead of chemical sprays.

  2. Cleaners

    Most of the home-cleaning products contain harsh chemicals such as chlorine, formaldehyde, and solvents which can cause burns on the skin, irritate the eyes, damage lungs, and increase the risk of cancer. A study discovered that children who were at the highest exposure to cleaning products had 29 % higher risk of experiencing occasional rhinitis, 97 % of frequent rhinitis, and 67% of persistent rhinitis.(2) Instead of harmful chemical cleaner, one can go ahead with the greener cleaners.

  3. Shampoo, Soaps, Detergents, and Creams

    All the scented products which contain fragrance or the plastics contain a chemical called phthalates. Phthalates are linked to cancer, reproductive problems, and developmental issues in children. Always use non-scented products for kids or buy the ones marked phthalate-free.

  4. Flame Retardants

    Many things in the household such a sofa cushions, carpets, television all are treated with fire retardants. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), one class of flame retardant, may disrupt hormones in the body. Researchers have linked their exposure to delayed development, early puberty, and other health effects in children. Few companies do not use PBDEs, but still, other flame retardant chemicals are in use.

  5. Plastics

    Plastic products contain bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical ingredient which mimics the effects of estrogen hormone in the body. BPA has been linked to health problems such as obesity, early puberty, prostate and ovarian cancer.(3) Baby products manufacturing companies have pulled away this chemical from their baby bottles, sipper cups, and other products. In fact, studies reveal that the substitutes for BPA such as BPS and BPF have a similar structure to BPA, and appear to have similar metabolism, potencies, and actions. They pose similar health hazards as BPA.(4) Never put plastic bottle or sipper cups in the microwave as the heat may cause the chemical to move into food and drinks.

  6. Essential Oil

    Commonly in use with the adults, and providing a lot of health benefits, an essential oil can potentially irritate the delicate skin of the babies. Always use especially for babies formulated mixtures such as coconut oil and shea butter or oatmeal-based creams. They have a soothing or calming effect on their skin.

  7. Neosporin

    If anybody has a cut or a scratch, we grab a Neosporin and apply it. It should never be used for babies as it can lead to a contact allergic reaction

    Infants are delicate so is their skin and the body’s response to various things. Keep them protected.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 12, 2023

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