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What Gets Rid Of Coronavirus?

What Is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is the name given to a collection of viruses that affect the respiratory tract of animals and humans. Coronavirus begins with normal cough and cold and if not identified and diagnosed on time causes severe and potentially life threatening complications like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS. The viruses also tend to affect the digestive system of the body. Studies estimate that approximately 30% of common colds are caused by the Coronavirus. The virus was initially discovered in 1960s.[2]

Till 2019, there were six known strains of coronavirus. However, with the dawn of 2020, a new strain was discovered in the Wuhan Province of China. This strain of coronavirus has proven to be the deadliest among all strains of this virus. It is named as 2019-nCoV. Generally, Coronavirus spreads from cattle and people working in the farms and meat handlers are most vulnerable to contract this infection.[3]

The nCoV-2019 Virus causes severe upper respiratory tract infections even though it starts off as a regular coronavirus infection. The severity of the infection is such that in no time the symptoms result in severe complications and even proves to be fatal for the patient.[3]

The virus is most active during the winter months. The antibodies for coronavirus do not stay for long in the body and thus this infection recurs despite treatment after some time. The incubation period of coronavirus 2019-nCoV is 3 to 14 days.[4]

This means that the symptoms can be observed within four days of contracting the infection. This is an extremely contagious disease and spreads through respiratory secretions such as a cough or sneeze with the infected water droplets entering the body of the uninfected individual.[1]

As of now, the nCoV-2019 is believed to be restricted to the Wuhan province of China but there have been some cases of people having this infection in Europe and United States who have recently traveled to China. This article speaks about what is it that actually can get rid of the nCoV-2019 Coronavirus.[3]

What Gets Rid Of Coronavirus?

What Gets Rid Of Coronavirus?

As of now, there is no cure for Coronavirus. Treatment is completely symptomatic and targeted. In targeted treatment, medications stop the virus from multiplying and make it more or less dormant. Once the virus stops multiplying, the white blood cells in the body destroy the virus thus clearing the infection. There is no medication that specifically attacks the nCoV-2019 virus and destroys it as of yet.[3]

Most of the patients are given antiviral medications along with cough medications and decongestants to control the symptoms. The fever can be controlled with antipyretics. Patients who lose electrolytes due to the infection are given intravenous fluids. In severe cases, where the respiratory system of the body starts to fail then the patient will have to be ventilated or given supplemental oxygen.[3]

For other strains of coronavirus, there is no specific treatment required as the symptoms are quite mild and resolves on its own. If an individual is diagnosed with nCoV-2019 coronavirus then it is imperative that the patient should be quarantined to prevent the spread of the infection. Treatment for coronavirus should be started immediately to prevent any respiratory complications from arising which may pose a threat to the life of the patient.[2]


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 12, 2020

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