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Why Do I Retain So Much Water?

Why Do I Retain So Much Water?

Human body contains water in higher amounts i.e., it remains in the muscles, blood, organs and in bones. This is because; human body requires water for survival, but in some cases, our body holds on in relatively higher amount. This leads to water retention and it causes swelling and puffiness. A person may deal with such problems because of many reasons, as mentioned here-

Excessive Sodium in the Diet: We all require sodium, as it plays a significant role in the regulation of fluid levels and blood pressure. However, we require it in only small amounts. In case you opt to have it in excessive amount in the system, your body will hold it in the form of water. Table salt constitutes a prime source of sodium and we even get sodium in huge amounts from various processed foods, such as crackers, lunchmeats, canned veggies, chips and soups, soft drinks and fast food items.

One of the best ways to reduce sodium is to check the sodium levels present in various food items and drinks before making purchase. Even you may balance the sodium level by simply consuming foods rich in potassium, such as spinach and bananas, while at the same time, by drinking water in excessive amounts.

Lifestyle of Human Beings: Do you suffer from the problem of swollen ankles and legs? If yes, you should make sure that the gravity keeps the level of blood flow in the body. It increases the pressure within the blood vessels in your feet and legs, while it causes leakage of the fluid within the tissues. Standing or sitting for too long time may cause the tissues in your body to hold water. If your job involves standing on the feet for many hours, you may notice swelling in the ankles and legs during the end of your workday. Key to overcome this problem to some extent is to make sure about proper circulation of the blood. This means, if you have to sit or stand for the whole day, it is very much essential for you to give some of your time for moving around.

Valves of the Veins: If valves of your veins fail to close properly, they will not be able to pump the blood back towards the heart. This leads to water retention and swelling in the lower portion of your legs. Other symptoms of the problem include aching of legs, changes in the color of skin, enlarging of veins, skin ulcers and skin rashes.

Medicines: Most of the medicines have fluid or water retention as side effects. These will include-

  • Medicines for high blood pressure (B.P.).
  • Ibuprofen, NSAIDs and other types of pain relievers.
  • Medicines associated with chemotherapy treatment.
  • Antidepressants pills.

You should make sure of consulting with your doctor if any of the prescribed medicines cause any problem related to water retention and swelling of your ankles, feet and legs.

Hormones: Women usually have water retention or bloating problems during the days leading towards their menstrual problems. However, the positive thing in this case is that such problems go away only after few days. Other than this, hormones associated with birth control or therapy associated with hormone replacement may also lead to holding of water.

Weak Heart: Weak heart fails to do pumping of blood properly, which leads to retention of water and causes swelling in abdomen and legs. Other symptoms related to heart failure are lightheadedness, weakness, rapid pulse rate, feeling of tiredness and breathing shortness. In case of extreme conditions, heart failure may lead to dangerous fluid buildup within the lungs.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 24, 2023

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