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What Are Symptoms Of High Testosterone In Males?

Testosterone is the key male sex hormone that is produced by the testes. Testosterone regulates fertility, muscle mass, fat distribution & red blood cell production in males. Although women’s ovaries produce some testosterone, it is produced in much higher concentrations in men. Testosterone is responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics seen in men that include a deeper voice & hair on the chest, facial hair (beard & moustache). It also contributes to a man’s healthy libido; maintaining energy levels & building muscle mass.

What Are Symptoms Of High Testosterone In Males?

Testosterone is known to build up a person’s confidence, ambition & strength, & is also known to enhance your tolerance for stress, helps to relieve fatigue, has mood brightening effects & also improves body’s composition (decrease in fat & increase in muscle mass).

Symptoms of high testosterone in males are acne mainly on the back & shoulders, minor testicle shrinkage, reduced fertility, body hair loss & enlarged prostrate. However, all these side effects can be managed with proper care.

High testosterone in males brings a sense of well being (reduction in depression with mild euphoria), confidence (decrease in social anxiety & greater assertiveness in work), increased energy & increased work capacity, high motivation/ambition, increased sex drive/libido & heightened response time, better concentration levels (ability to complete complex mental tasks), increase in strength & muscle mass, decrease in body fat & increased metabolic rate.

Testosterone Imbalances

With advancing age levels of testosterone are known to fall. The affects of gradually lowering testosterone in elderly people can lead to late-onset hypogonadism. After the age of 40, it is believed that the level of testosterone falls by about 1.6 percent every year for most men. By the age of 60 most men can be clinically diagnosed with hypogonadism. The incidence of hypogonadism after the age of 45 years is increasing & it accounts for almost 4 in 10 cases. The number of cases with low testosterone in older men has increased tenth-folds according to a survey since 2012. Low testosterone has also been associated with increased mortality rates in males. Late onset hypogonadism has now become a recognized medical condition, but sometimes the symptoms are also just a sign of old age.

A man with optimal testosterone will have a sharper mind, will be happy & confident, & will have a healthy heart, healthy libido, plenty of energy, strong bones, & increased muscle mass with a higher basal metabolic rate.

Testosterone is a type of androgen that is produced by the leydig cells of the testicles. In men testosterone regulates a number of functions alongside sperm production. However, without adequate amount of production of testosterone men become infertile. This is due to the reason that testosterone helps in the development of a mature sperm. Although it is a male hormone it also regulates sex drive, bone density & muscle strength in women. Women who have excess levels of testosterone can develop male pattern baldness & infertility. Testosterone levels are controlled by the brain & the pituitary gland. These hormones once produced move through the blood to different body parts to carry out different bodily functions. In general normal range of testosterone in males is about 270 to 1070 ng/dL with an average level of 670 ng/dL. Normally the level of testosterone peaks at the age of about 20 years & then slowly declines after that. The healthiest levels of testosterone are considered to be between 400-600 ng/dL.


  1. Mayo Clinic – Testosterone Therapy in Men: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/testosterone-therapy/about/pac-20385064
  2. Harvard Health Publishing – Testosterone: What It Does and Doesn’t Do: https://www.health.harvard.edu/drugs-and-medications/testosterone–what-it-does-and-doesnt-do
  3. Healthline – Signs of High Testosterone in Men: https://www.healthline.com/health/high-testosterone-in-men
  4. WebMD – High Testosterone Level: Signs, Symptoms & Causes: https://www.webmd.com/men/ss/slideshow-low-testosterone-overview
  5. Medical News Today – High Testosterone: Symptoms, Causes, and Normal Levels: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/high-testosterone

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 2, 2023

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