The human nose is a primary facial feature that can detect unpleasant smells quickly. The nose is not just a flap of flesh and a cartilage present on the face. It is an important part of the human respiratory system, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. In addition to this, our nose may even contribute to several other important bodily functions like tasting and hearing.
Our noses have wide range of sizes and shapes and it may differ from person to person, due to the genetics. Usually men have larger noses than the women.
Sometimes, there may be some medical conditions that can cause a narrowing of the nasal airway and result in infections. In this current article we will talk about some of the common diseases of the nose.
5 Common Diseases Of The Nose
One of the most common nose disease is Sinusitis. It is a condition where there is an inflammation of the sinuses. This inflammation can be either from allergies, viruses or due to specific diseases. There is weakness, fatigue, fever, cough and congestion in the infected person because of sinusitis.
Another common disease of the nose is Rhinitis. This is the most common form of an acute inflammation occurring in the nasal fossa. This disease is most commonly known as cold. Rhinitis is supported by a viral etiology, especially rhinovirus and the para-influenza virus. Rhinitis is characterized by nasal respiratory obstruction that is associated with an excess of nasal secretion.
Allergic rhinitis or Hay fever represents a significant portion of the nasal inflammation, and that is about 20% of the inflammation. This allergic rhinitis is caused by an immune reaction to certain external factors which are known as the allergens. There are symptoms such as nasal respiratory obstructions, sneezing, clear nasal discharge, nasal itching and also a reduced sense of smell. Medical treatments for such conditions include antihistamines, local corticosteroids and possible sublingual vaccine therapy.
Choanal Atresia:
Choanal atresia is also a common nasal defect that mostly affects the newborns. There is a breathing difficulty in such a disease and it results in a bluish color to the skin, fingernails and lips because of a lack of oxygen. Choanal atresia also results in problems in nasal blockage that affects one side of your nose and chest retractions. There is no known cause of this condition.
The treatment for choanal atresia may include placing a tube into the mouth of the baby so as to assist him breath. Sometimes, a tracheostomy may also be required and it involves creating an airway through the neck. There are also some other types of surgery for treating the diseased condition.
Nasal Polyp:
Nasal polyp is a multifactorial disease that is characterized by edematous reaction of the nasal submucosa with formation of polyp. These nasal polyps are thickened mucous sacs occurring due to the recurrence of inflammatory phenomena that is favored by fungal infections, allergies, aspirin intolerance, nasal tumors, autoimmune diseases, and muco-ciliary abnormalities.
Some of the symptoms of nasal polyps include nasal respiratory obstruction, reduction or complete loss of the sense of smell, clear nasal secretion, and an alteration of voice.
The treatment for nasal polyp may be done either by medical therapy such as corticosteroids via local route, or more severe nasal spray; and in some cases, systemically by the mouth; or may be done by surgical therapy.
Deviated Nasal Septum:
Deviated nasal septum is another condition where the nasal septum (or a flat plate of cartilage located in the center part of the nose) is damaged and is pushed to the right or to the left, or the nose might grow abnormally. A deviated nasal septum can result in breathing issues and discomfort, as in case of a deviated nasal septum, the nasal chambers are smaller than their actual size. This condition of the nose is treated with surgery.
Now, we know about some of the common diseases of the nose. If you or any of your loved ones are suffering from any of these conditions then do make sure to consult with your doctor and take the essential treatments for quick recovery.