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Interesting Facts About Morning Breath : Its Causes, Ways To Get Rid Of It & Prevention

Many of us must have felt the breath, which we wake up with, which is somewhat musty and highly intolerable in some cases. This is what is known as morning breath.

Waking up with a morning breath isn’t exactly a great start to your day. Have you ever wondered what morning breath is all about? Having a morning breath is a common phenomenon. And the good news is morning breath is treatable just like bad breath.

Why Do You Have Morning Breath?

The two primary causes of morning breath are poor oral hygiene and dry mouth. We will discuss in detail why you have morning breath.

Morning Breath Caused by Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene is a very common cause of morning breath. The human mouth is an ideal environment for the bacteria to thrive; and when there are food particles stuck in between teeth, on the tongue’s surface or along the gum line; and to top it, if one does not follow good oral hygiene, then it leads to morning breath. The bacteria present in the teeth and mouth breaks down the stuck food particles in the mouth producing what we know as morning breath.

Periodontal disease can also cause morning breath. You need to follow proper brushing and flossing techniques and consult your dentist in regards to any periodontal disease for treating morning breath.

Dry Mouth Causing Morning Breath

Decrease in the production of saliva leads to dry mouth, which in turn causes morning breath. The function of saliva is to remove bacteria which cause bad breath. During our sleep, there is a decrease in saliva production. Other than this, certain medications can also cause dry mouth, thus aggravating morning breath.

Eating Certain Foods Resulting in Morning Breath

What you eat can affect a lot on your breath. Consumption of strong-smelling foods, especially before sleeping, such as garlic or onions can result in an overpowering morning breath the next day.

Morning Breath Caused by Tobacco

Using tobacco; especially smoking, can also cause morning breath and general bad breath. Smoking dries out your mouth and increases the risk of gum disease. Additionally the smell of the cigarette smoke also adds to the morning breath.

GERD Resulting in Morning Breath

People suffering from gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) also suffer from Morning Breath. When the acids from the stomach regurgitate back into the esophagus during sleep, this causes the phenomenon of morning breath.

How To Get Rid Of Morning Breath?

You can get rid of Morning Breath easily by following good oral hygiene and making lifestyle changes.

Get Rid of Morning Breath with the Best Oral Hygiene

The best way to treat and get rid of Morning Breath is to maintain excellent oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily is a sure shot way to get rid of morning breath and wake up with fresh breath. A good oral hygiene is also a long-term solution for bad breath in general. It is also important to use an antibacterial mouthwash and scrape your tongue to get rid of morning breath.

In case you wear any orthodontic gear, such as a retainer, then you need to make sure to clean it daily to avoid morning breath. Brushing your teeth as soon as getting up is also a good way to tackle morning breath.

Quit Smoking To Get Rid Of Morning Breath

In case you are a smoker or a tobacco user, stop it ASAP and see the difference in your morning breath.

Tackle Morning Breath with Sugar-Free Gum

You can also use sugar-free gum to deal with morning breath and bad breath in general. Chewing Sugar-free gum also helps in production of saliva and freshens up your breath.

Antacids for Treating Morning Breath Caused by GERD

In case of morning breath caused due to GERD, consult your doctor who will prescribe antacids to reduce the production of acid when you are sleeping and this treatment will effectively get rid of morning breath. One more easy solution for treating morning breath caused by GERD is sleeping in an upright position to prevent the backflow of acid into the esophagus.

A Visit To The Dentist May Be Required

To treat morning breath caused by periodontal diseases, a visit to the dentist is required to treat the underlying cause with procedures, such as scaling and root planing. Surgery may be needed in severe cases.

How to Prevent Morning Breath?

  • Practicing good oral hygiene is the number one thing for treating, as well as preventing morning breath.
  • Drinking lots of water helps in preventing dry mouth, which in turn helps in preventing morning breath.
  • It is important to quit smoking and tobacco to improve oral health, which will prevent morning breath and also better your overall health.
  • To prevent morning breath, strong-smelling foods (garlic, onion ) should not be taken before sleeping at night and even skipping out on coffee in the evening is a good idea to prevent morning breath.
  • Following a healthy and well balanced diet goes a long way in preventing morning breath and improving your health.
  • Getting regular dental checkups is strongly recommended to keep any dental issues in check and to prevent morning breath.


  1. American Dental Association. (2021). Bad Breath (Halitosis). Read More
  2. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Bad Breath. Read More
  3. WebMD. (2021). Bad Breath (Halitosis). Read More

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 7, 2023

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