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What is Metabolic Conditioning & What Kind Of Workout is Involved In Metabolic Conditioning?

What is Metabolic Conditioning?

Metabolic conditioning is a training method that involves a very high workout rate, which is done by performing exercises designed to burn calories during and after the workout. It involves routine which increases the body’s storage and delivery of energy for any activity.

There are three pathways that fuel the body during exercise, which are, immediate, intermediate, and long-term energy pathways. In metabolic conditioning, immediate and intermediate pathways are used.

The exercise to use these specific pathways should be done in a specific time and intensity. With metabolic conditioning, the body is able to burn fuel more efficiently using the moderate-intensity to high-intensity interval session.

Kind Of Workout Involved In Metabolic Conditioning

More than the type of exercise, intensity and time spent exercising matter more in metabolic conditioning.

The whole program should contain moderate-intensity or high-intensity exercise or both. These may include the following:

  • Upper body exercise
  • Lower body exercise
  • Full body exercise
  • Cardio exercise

Several exercise programs such as CrossFit, Insanity, and P90X are built around metabolic conditioning. There are certain moves and routine involved in these programs which are used more frequently.

Few examples of exercises involved in metabolic conditioning are:

Circuit: These exercises help build muscle and burn fat quickly and efficiently. An exercise circuit is the completion of all the prescribed exercises in the program, once.

For Beginners: The beginner workout gets completed in as little as 12 minutes. These easy exercises help tone and strengthen the lower body, upper body, and core.

Cross-fit: It is a power workout and is very popular nowadays. It is an effective way to get fit. The workout program combines a variety of functional movements in which there are push-ups, weightlifting, gymnastics, running, rowing, and other movements.

Benefits of Metabolic Conditioning

Metabolic conditioning is a way to improve overall physical health. The benefits of this program are:

  1. Most of the exercise programs involved in it complete in less than 20 minutes and you have to spend less time in the gym. It is an effective way of working out without spending hours in the gym.
  2. The calories burn effectively as the exercise has to be performed at moderate or high intensity. The heart rate during these exercises is high which makes the body burn calories effectively.
  3. The moderate and high-intensity exercise help reduce the body fat percentage (1). Also doing regular weight training exercise help build more muscles.
  4. Metabolic conditioning improves metabolism. It burns more calories than fat. This is one of the main benefits of regular weight-training routine.
  5. High-intensity strength training lead to an increase in the hormones that promote lipolysis (fat loss). This helps improve the hormone profile.

Adverse Effects of Metabolic Conditioning

There are only a few side effects related to metabolic conditioning exercises:

  • Lack of proper knowledge or preparation can land people into emergency situations due to overexertion (2). It makes people prone to injuries.
  • Gym equipment can help in creating a more varied routine and this can prove to be expensive, even if you take a gym membership or buy at-home equipments.
  • Exercises are mostly safe but there are certain conditions in which these moderate or high-intensity exercises are contraindicated. It is important to check with the doctor whenever planning to start a new fitness program.
  • Metabolic conditioning is designed to improve the energy system of the body, by including the moderate and high-intensity workout to it. It actually improves your journey towards better and improved fitness.

A personal trainer might be required for those new to the routine. Also, consult a physician to know whether you are fit to start with it.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 23, 2019

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