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What To Do For The Flu?

What To Do For The Flu?

Confused about what to do for the flu? Can’t decide which remedy or treatment to follow for flu? Have no fear, as we will guide you towards what needs to be done for the flu.

What To Do For The Flu?

Which is the Best Line of Treatment for Flu Symptoms?

Deciding on the treatment for flu depends on the symptoms of flu. If you are suffering from nasal congestion and stuffiness, which is one of the common symptoms of flu, then decongestant medications helps in relieving them. Decongestants are available in nasal spray and oral forms. Decongestants work by reducing the swelling in the nasal passageways.

If you are suffering from postnasal drip, runny nose, or watery and itchy eyes, then antihistamine medications help in managing these flu symptoms. These medicines act by blocking the histamine effect, which leads to relief in the annoying flu symptoms, such as itching, sneezing and nasal discharge.

Point to note here is that over-the-counter antihistamine medications tend to cause drowsiness; and decongestant medications tend to keep people awake.

Can A Decongestant Medication Be Used If The Patient Is Suffering From High Blood Pressure?

Decongestant medications can increase the heart rate and blood pressure; however, as long as your blood pressure is under control, using a decongestant medication should not cause any problem; however, it is important to monitor the blood pressure when taking decongestant medications.

What Should I Do For Prompt Relief From Nasal Congestion In Flu?

For immediate relief from congested and swollen nasal passages, an over-the-counter decongestant nasal spray can be used; however, the use should not be prolonged for more than 3 days to avoid rebound congestion.

Alternative, a saline nasal spray can be used in place of a medicated spray and a saline nasal spray also helps in loosening the thick mucus and can be used for as long as needed without any side effects.

Which Flu Treatment Helps Relieving The Body Aches And Fever from Flu?

Commonly used medicines for treating the fever and body pains of flu are acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Each medication carries different risks and your doctor or pharmacist is the best person to tell you which medication is right for your flu. Children should never be given aspirin.

Which Treatment is Best in Relieving Sore Throat from Flu?

Sore throat can be relieved by using salt water gargles. Other than this, over-the-counter medicated lozenges and pain relievers also helps in soothing the sore throat occurring as a result of the flu.

Which Treatment is the Best for the Cough in Flu?

Coughing helps in clearing the lungs of excess phlegm and pollutants. However, a persistent cough needs treatment. There are many cough medications comprising of combination of medicines, such as antihistamines, decongestants, cough suppressants, analgesics/antipyretics and expectorants. Your doctor will best guide you in the right combination of medicine for your flu cough.

Are Antiviral Medicines Beneficial in Treating Flu?

Antiviral flu medicines are beneficial in decreasing the duration and severity of the flu symptoms, if these are taken within 48 hours of the onset of flu symptoms. Antiviral medicines also help in preventing flu in individuals who have been exposed to the flu.

Do Antibiotics help in Treating the Flu?

As flu is caused by a virus, antibiotics do not help in treatment of the flu. If you are suffering from a secondary bacterial infection, then antibiotics will help; otherwise taking unnecessary antibiotics only increase the risk of getting other infections, which are resistant to antibiotic treatment.

Which Symptoms of Flu Need Immediate Medical Attention?

It is imperative to seek immediate medical treatment if you are suffering from the following flu symptoms:

  • A high fever.
  • Pain in the ear.
  • Drainage from the ears.
  • Pain in the forehead or face with drainage of green or yellow mucus.
  • Wheezing.
  • Persistent sore throat, hoarseness or a cough.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Persistent symptoms.
  • Vomiting.

What are the Serious Symptoms of Flu?

Serious symptoms of flu consist of difficulty in breathing, chest pain, confusion, seizure, extreme fussiness in a baby, fainting and difficulty in waking.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Influenza (Flu): https://www.cdc.gov/flu/index.htm
  2. Mayo Clinic – Influenza (Flu): https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/flu/symptoms-causes/syc-20351719

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 5, 2023

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