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Elbow Pain Information Center

What Causes Synovitis of Elbow & How is it Treated?

Synovitis of the elbow is the inflammation of the synovial membrane that is the lining of the elbow joint and also surrounds the soft tissues...

What Causes Tendonitis Elbow & How is it Treated|Recovery Period & Exercises for Tendonitis Elbow

Tendonitis elbow, is a condition in which the tendons, supporting the elbow joint get inflamed. This is an inflammatory condition, which causes swelling, pain...

Fractured Elbow: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery, Physical Therapy

Fracture elbow may result when there is a break in the bones forming the elbow joint. It may sometimes, be associated with injuries to...

Anconeus Epitrochlearis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Anconeus Epitrochlearis? Anconeus Epitrochlearis is one of the rare causes of pain experienced in the forearms and elbows along with weakness that can...

What Causes Burning Pain in Elbow & How is it Treated?

Many a times, when we get up in the morning or when doing some work, the elbow joint suddenly starts to feel warm as...

Sprained Elbow: Causes, Types, Treatment, Recovery, Home Remedies, Exercises, Symptoms

What is Sprained Elbow? Ligaments are the band of tissues that connect bones to bones forming a joint. Similarly in the elbow joint, the upper...

Elbow Abscess: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis

What is Elbow Abscess? To better understand an Elbow Abscess it is important to understand what exactly is abscess. An abscess is a small tender...

Compressed Ulnar Nerve: Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery Time, Diagnosis

About Ulnar Nerve Ulnar Nerve is one of the main three main nerves that pass through the arm. The Ulnar nerve courses from the neck...

What Does Pain on Outer Side of Elbow Indicate?

Lateral Elbow Pain or in simple terms Pain on Outer Side of Elbow can occur due to many reasons. It could be from an injury...

What Does Pain on Inner Side of Elbow Indicate?

Medial elbow pain is the pain that is felt on the inner side of the elbow. This type of pain can occur as a result...
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