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Symptoms Of Scabies On The Penis & Its Treatment

Scabies On The Penis Scabies is a condition that develops as a result of parasitic mites that infiltrate the skin surface. Any area of the...

6 Common Causes of Small Testicles

The shape and size of the testicles varies from individual to individual. Another thing that is quite common is for one testicle to be...

Connection Between Chlamydia and Erectile Dysfunction

Connection Between Chlamydia and Erectile Dysfunction Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. It is possible...

Vasectomy Side Effects & Can Vasectomy Cause ED?

Vasectomy is a surgical procedure used by men who are willing to become permanently sterile. When a man is sterile, he is no longer...

How Effective Is Vasectomy & Can It Be Reversed?

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure, which prevents the release of sperm when a man ejaculates. This article discusses how effective vasectomy is and...

List of 5 Ways to Overcome Premature Ejaculation Naturally

An Overview of Premature Ejaculation! One of the most common sexual dysfunction affecting men is premature ejaculation.(1,3,4) Premature ejaculation impacts nearly 30% of men, irrespective...

Itchy Beard: Causes & Remedies

About Itchy Beard: An itchy beard can be unpleasant and uncomfortable. It can occur anytime when the beard is growing or even when it is...

Why Do Men Struggle With Dealing and Treating Their Mental Illness?

NO doubt the stigma of having mental health condition affects everyone, but it seems to affect men more, as they hesitate to seek treatment...

What is Sclerosing Lymphangitis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Sclerosing Lymphangitis? Sclerosing Lymphangitisis a rare dermatological condition localized to the penis. It is characterized by a cord like swelling throughout the circumference...

What is Chemical Castration: Procedure, Side Effects, Uses

What is Chemical Castration? Using anaphrodisiac drugs to lower sexual desire or libido is known as chemical castration. The treatment lowers the levels of male...
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