How Do You Check Male Fertility Naturally?

How Do You Check Male Fertility Naturally?

There is only one way to check male fertility naturally whether you are fertile or not, that is after sexual intercourse with a woman, if she gets pregnant. But if the woman does not get pregnant you cannot say exactly that you are not fertile, because there are many reasons for not getting pregnant at that time.

One issue is if the sexual intercourse does not occur during the fertile period, then the woman will not get pregnant, the exact fertile period or the fertile day cannot be recognized accurately by calculating days. So, if she does not get pregnant during the current menstrual cycle you two can always try in the next cycle. Most couples will not get pregnant within the first month of sexual intercourse expecting for a child. But the chance of getting pregnant increase with regular intercourse especially during the fertile period.

How Do You Check Male Fertility Naturally?

Other cause for not getting pregnant is if there is a male or female infertility or both are infertile for some reason. If there is a male infertility, tests should be done to confirm if there is actually a cause for the infertility, if a cause is identified, treatment for that can make the couple fertile.

How Does A Couple Conceive A Baby?

Female: Normally the menstrual cycle of a female is 28 days, but any regular cycle within 21 to 40 days is normal. So the menstrual cycle is divided into follicular phase (1-14 days) and luteal phase (1-28 days). After menstruation one ovary gets ready for a new cycle. Hypothalamus is stimulated to secrete GnRH, which acts on the pituitary to produce Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and this acts on the ovary to develop few follicles into matured eggs. One follicle will dominate and mature into one egg and the other follicles gets destroyed. The follicle produce the hormone estrogen which sends a signal to the hypothalamus and pituitary that a mature egg is ready in the ovary. Then the pituitary produce luteinizing hormone (LH) which is called as the LH surge and this releases the mature egg from the ovary to the fallopian tube within 24-36 hours (this is called ovulation). It’s difficult to say the exact day of ovulation, usually it occurs 10 to 16 days before the next period. The matured egg travels down the fallopian tube. This egg stays alive for 24 hours after ovulation.

Male: After the sexual intercourse, millions of sperms are released into the female cervix, these sperms travel up through the uterus into the fallopian tubes. Along the way some sperms fall out and if one sperm reaches out to the egg it fertilizes the egg. Sperms are usually alive for 2, 3 up to 5 days inside the female genital tract.

Fertilization: Fertilization is the union of a female gamete (egg) and a male gamete (sperm) to form a zygote (a single cell). After fertilization the egg becomes thicker to prevent other sperms entering in. Fertilization commonly occur at the ampulla, which is the widest part of the fallopian tube. The zygote moves down the fallopian tube while multiplying rapidly and reaches the uterus in about 6-12 days. Then, it gets attached to the uterus which is called implantation.


There is only one way to check naturally whether you are fertile or not, that is after sexual intercourse with a woman, if she gets pregnant. But if the woman does not get pregnant you cannot say exactly that you are not fertile because there are many reasons for not getting pregnant at that time. The reasons can be due to male infertility or female infertility or both. Pregnancy is the conception of a fetus through fertilization of the egg and sperm in the female genital tract. This is the only natural way to check whether you are fertile or not.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 20, 2019

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