What is Orgasmic Anejaculation?
Orgasmic Anejaculation, which is in common terms known as dry orgasm, is a condition in which the affected individual on reaching the climax of sexual activity does not ejaculate even though he experiences orgasms. This means that there is no ejaculation of the semen post sexual activity. This can happen due to a number of reasons of which some are short lived and temporary while others may be more permanent. Orgasmic Anejaculation in itself is a benign condition but the underlying cause because of which it happens is something which may need treatment. Orgasmic Anejaculation can dent the confidence and can be mentally draining and embarrassing for the individual.[2]
At times, if the condition gets permanent it may affect the ability of the individual to have children in the future. How common is Orgasmic Anejaculation is something which researchers are not quite sure of. However, there are several theories as to the causes of this condition. Some studies say that there is a genetic link to Orgasmic Anejaculation. Infections around the genital area at times may also cause the individual to have Orgasmic Anejaculation. A trauma to the genital area during a surgical procedure may also result in the individual having Orgasmic Anejaculation for some time.[1]
People who are paraplegic also suffer from this condition. In some rare, cases, the upbringing of a child in an environment where everything is conservative at times may result in the child developing Orgasmic Anejaculation later in life. The treatment strategies of Orgasmic Anejaculation are quite similar to that of retrograde ejaculation.[1]
This is a condition in which the affected individual ejaculates semen into the bladder instead of outside the penis. In majority of the cases stimulation of the penile region and electroejaculation form the mainstay of treatment for Orgasmic Anejaculation. This article gives a detail of the causes as well as the treatment options for Orgasmic Anejaculation.[1]
What Causes Orgasmic Anejaculation?
Some of the common causes as to why an individual has Orgasmic Anejaculation include:
Repeated Orgasms: Having repeated orgasms during one sexual activity session may at times cause Orgasmic Anejaculation. This is because repeated orgasms deplete the levels of the semen present in the body. There is some semen lost in one orgasm and the body takes some time to restore the levels. During this time if an individual has another orgasm then the semen stores fall down further until there is no semen left in the store to come out. This results in Orgasmic Anejaculation.[2]
This is a benign and temporary condition and the individual can start having normal orgasms again once the semen quantity is replenished by the body. The rate at which semen is produced in the body differs from individual to individual. It usually takes a couple of hours for the body to start producing semen again.[2]
Genetic Conditions: Some genetic abnormalities may result in the body not making enough semen to ejaculate. This at times leads to Orgasmic Anejaculation. This is a situation where not much can be done apart from identifying the condition and starting treatment for it.[2]
Testosterone Deficiency: In some cases, some individuals may have depleted levels of the hormone testosterone. This may result in the body producing less semen and the individual having Orgasmic Anejaculation. This is usually seen in older people where the testosterone levels goes down naturally. This can also be seen in people who have hormonal problems.[2]
Urethral Blockage: This is yet another cause for Orgasmic Anejaculation. If the urethra or the ejaculatory duct which carries the semen to the penis gets blocked for some reason then it can also cause an individual to have Orgasmic Anejaculation. The blockage in majority of the cases is caused by a cyst. Another cause for the blockage may be an entrapped sperm.[2]
Nerve Dysfunction: Another cause for Orgasmic Anejaculation can be nerve damage. There can be numerous reasons for the nerve to get damaged. However, this mostly occurs as a result of a trauma. This can be due to an accidental blow to the genital region while playing contact sports.[2]
Nerve damage can also occur as a result of a surgical procedure during which the nerve may get damaged. In some cases, certain medical condition like multiple sclerosis or diabetes may cause nerve damage resulting in Orgasmic Anejaculation.[2]
Surgical Trauma: This is the most common cause of Orgasmic Anejaculation. Any surgery conducted within the vicinity of the penis may have Orgasmic Anejaculation as a possible complication. People who undergo removal of their prostate or bladder no longer produce any semen and this also results in Orgasmic Anejaculation.[2]
According to American Cancer Society, people who undergo prostate removal for prostate cancer do not produce sperms. However, the testicles continue to produce sperm cells. These cells then get reabsorbed in the body instead of producing semen due to absence of the prostate gland. The reabsorption of the sperm cells is what leads to Orgasmic Anejaculation.[2]
Some of the other surgical procedures that may cause Orgasmic Anejaculation include cystectomy, lymph node dissection, TURP, and radiation therapy for normally prostate cancer or bladder cancer.[2]
How is Orgasmic Anejaculation Treated?
Coming to the management of Orgasmic Anejaculation, this is a condition which cannot be treated but if an underlying cause is identified then treating that cause may get the orgasm back to normal. If Orgasmic Anejaculation is caused due to some medications then taking an alternative medication or stopping it completely may solve the problem. Orgasmic Anejaculation caused due to removal of the prostate or the bladder cannot be reversed and stays permanently.[2]
The overall health of an individual with Orgasmic Anejaculation does not get affected but their ability to produce children gets significantly impacted. An individual with Orgasmic Anejaculation should consult with a fertility specialist who can formulate a therapy or treatment and restore normal ability of the individual to ejaculate. Even if it is not possible there are other methods from which sperms can be retrieved and fertilize the egg for conceiving.[2]
In some studies it has been suggested that if an individual tries to ejaculate with a full bladder then some sperms may be able to be retrieved. This sperm can be used to fertilize the egg and successfully impregnate a female.[2]
In conclusion, Orgasmic Anejaculation is a condition which does not affect the overall health of an individual. However, it can be mentally disturbing and embarrassing for the individual. This condition may also impact the fertility of the individual. Thus it is recommended that anyone who suffers from Orgasmic Anejaculation should consult with a physician to get to the bottom of the cause and devise a treatment strategy.[2]
Orgasmic Anejaculation itself cannot be cured but the cause behind it is definitely treatable in some cases. However, Orgasmic Anejaculation caused due to surgical procedures in which the prostate or the bladder is removed then it is not possible to reverse Orgasmic Anejaculation. However, if an obstruction of the urethra is causing Orgasmic Anejaculation then it can be definitely treated.[2]
Additionally, if medication is a cause for Orgasmic Anejaculation then switching to a different medication may solve the problem. If an individual with permanent Orgasmic Anejaculation wants to start a family then there are various ways available to retrieve the sperms from the body and fertilize the egg. For this, the patient should consult with a fertility specialist for the various possibilities available in such a situation.[2]