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How Does CBD (Cannabidiol Oil) Help in Anxiety Treatment?

Anxiety is a very common psychiatric disorder found in many people (1). It is mainly associated with fear build up, nervousness, panic state, and...

How Diet Can Have A Positive Effect In the Management of Depression?

How Diet Can Have A Positive Effect In the Management of Depression? The gut microbiome- the community of bacteria and their genetic substitutions residing in...

What Is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria & How is it Treated? | How Does Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria Affect Your Life?

Nobody likes to be rejected, regardless of whether this rejection comes from peers, family, a crush, or coworkers. Rejection hurts, but it is an...

What Is The Prognosis And Life Expectancy For Hypersexuality?

Are compulsive feelings and compulsive manners intervening with your everyday life? It’s tough for any of us to walk away from sex and happiness....

Is Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder A Progressive Disease & Alternative Treatments For It?

Compulsive sexual behavior is often referred to as hypersexuality or simply as sexual addiction. It is an unhealthy obsession with sexual fantasies, impulses or...

How Long Will It Take To Recover From Hypersexuality & How Long Does The Symptoms Last?

Hypersexuality or compulsive sexual behavior is an evolving psychiatric condition with major social and psychiatric implications and is also referred to as sexual addiction. Knowledge...

What Are The Ways To Prevent Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder & Does It Reoccur?

In compulsive sexual behavior, a person is unable to control his sexual conduct. Constant and recurring sexual thoughts hamper their workability, marriages, relations, and...

Can You Die Because Of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder?

Compulsive sexual behavior refers to hypersexuality disorder or sex addiction. Besides, it is an excessive form of preoccupation with sexual behaviors, sexual urges, and...

How Does Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder Affect The Body & What Triggers It?

Compulsive sexual behavior refers to a condition, according to which a person fails to manage his sexual behavior. Persistent sexual thoughts may interfere with...

Best Exercises/Activities For Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder

For most men, sex is deemed a friendly, healing and enjoyable activity. There is something natural about everybody's sexual fantasies, ambition, and emotions. But...
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