Can Peripheral Nerve Damage Be Reversed?

The peripheral nervous system connects the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. The peripheral nerves serve the hands, feet, face, and mouth along with other internal organs. Damage to the peripheral nerves may result in an individual having altered sensation in the feet and hands, the facial expression may get affected, or they may lose the ability to differentiate between hot and cold causing accident or burn injuries.

The peripheral nerve can get damaged due to a variety of reasons including an injury during a surgical procedure, medical conditions like diabetes, an infection, or an inherited medical condition. There are numerous treatments available for treating the symptoms of damaged peripheral nerve but the question still remains as to whether peripheral nerve damage can be reversed.

Can Peripheral Nerve Damage Be Reversed?

Can Peripheral Nerve Damage Be Reversed?

As of now, there is no treatment that can definitely reverse peripheral nerve damage. Nerves have the ability to heal themselves but this happens only in certain situations.

The effects of the peripheral nerve damage can be significantly reduced by adopting a healthy lifestyle and maintaining an ideal weight and additionally there are medications available which can calm down the symptoms of neuropathy but the damage is not reversed.

However, if a specific cause for damage to the peripheral nerve is established then treating the cause may potentially reverse the damage to the peripheral nerve. Once the underlying cause is treated, the nerves start to heal themselves. This is a slow ongoing process which may take months or years but there is significant reversal of damage to the peripheral nerve. Inherited conditions causing peripheral nerve damage cannot be reversed as it is a genetic defect which cannot be corrected.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 19, 2019

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