OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder is a common mental disorder characterized by repetitive, persistent, and unavoidable thoughts, behaviors, and actions. It interferes with the healthy thinking of a diseased person and his daily life. They are often excessive, unwarranted, and unwanted. It can affect children, adolescents, and adults, usually by the age of 19 years. It appears in women more than men. Its causes include genetic inheritance, biological and environmental factors, and others. However, it is not clear. It is represented by compulsive and obsessive behaviors such as repetitive washing or cleaning of hands, sexual obsessions, etc.
Can OCD Go Away On Its Own?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by the experience of repeated and persistent obsessions or compulsions that cannot be avoided. It always interferes with the daily life of the affected person. It is represented by recurrent, excessive or unwarranted thoughts or worries that disturb the person’s normal thinking. Its causes are not clear.(1)
Obsessions are repeated thoughts or fears that rotate in mind. The affected person knows that these thoughts are prevalent, excessive, and uncontrolled. Compulsions are repetitive actions or behavior or habits that the affected person has to perform and cannot be resisted. It is often presented as a reaction or response to obsessions. It thereby results in anxiety, and if compulsive actions are not performed, it may result in panic attacks.(1)
This disorder affects a small percentage of people. It runs in families and affects women more than men. Some of the symptoms of this disorder are washing or cleaning attacks, excessive sexual thoughts, religious thoughts, symmetry, ordering or arranging compulsions, and sometimes compulsions without obsession or obsession without compulsions.(1)
Many people who exhibit the symptoms of mild OCD improve on their own without treatment. It is not right for those who have moderate to severe OCD. There may be some symptoms that may go away on its own. Some signs will get worse with time without medication. In some cases, the symptoms get worse when the patients face stress or get depressed. In such cases, treatment is necessary to get rid of the symptoms.(2)
What Are The Natural Remedies For OCD?
OCD is typically considered to be the result of specific alterations in biology and the environment. Change in the chemistry of the individual’s body, as well as his environment, may influence the manifestation of OCD.(3) So specific natural remedies may help to manage the symptoms of OCD-
5-HTP- 5-HTP is an essential biochemical responsible for the transmission of the signals from one part of the brain to the other. It is also called the direct precursor to serotonin. It also maintains a balanced level of serotonin in the body by acting as a regulator. This balance of serotonin leads to more effective sleep that relieves depression and prevents symptoms of OCD.(3)
Cayenne- Cayenne has concentrated amounts of capsaicin, a chemical that plays a significant role in the treatment of anxiety. It elevates endorphins in the brain and reduces the transmission of pain signals. This helps to relax the body and mind; thereby it reduces anxiety. Less manifestation of anxiety means less manifestation of OCD.(3)
Chamomile- Chamomile is another compound that helps to reduce anxiety. It is also given in the form of a capsule or tea that helps to relieve stress and have sound and healthy sleep. These two characteristic properties are found useful in the treatment and relief of OCD symptoms.(3)
OCD usually does not go on its own. Only mild cases go on its own, whereas moderate to severe cases of OCD require treatment. The natural remedies such as 5-HTP, chamomile, and cayenne can reduce anxiety ad may relieve the symptoms of OCD.
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